"It seems that they were having some trouble with speeders in the Soviet
Union, even though they don't have automobiles. So, an order was issued
that everyone, no matter who it was, caught speeding got a ticket. And one
day, General Secretary Gorbachev was coming out of his country home. He's
late getting to the Kremlin. So, he told his driver to get in the backseat
and he'd drive. And down the road he went, past two motorcycle policemen.
One of them took out after him. In just a few minutes, he was back with his
buddy. And the buddy said, "Well, did you give him a ticket?" And he said,
"No." He said, "You didn't? Why not? We're supposed to give everyone a
ticket." He said, "No, he was too important." "But", he said, "who was
it?" "Well," he said, "I couldn't recognize him. But his driver was
Union, even though they don't have automobiles. So, an order was issued
that everyone, no matter who it was, caught speeding got a ticket. And one
day, General Secretary Gorbachev was coming out of his country home. He's
late getting to the Kremlin. So, he told his driver to get in the backseat
and he'd drive. And down the road he went, past two motorcycle policemen.
One of them took out after him. In just a few minutes, he was back with his
buddy. And the buddy said, "Well, did you give him a ticket?" And he said,
"No." He said, "You didn't? Why not? We're supposed to give everyone a
ticket." He said, "No, he was too important." "But", he said, "who was
it?" "Well," he said, "I couldn't recognize him. But his driver was