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I'll vote Republican if it will make these terrorists pay.

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  • one more question:

    Why can't the United States become an isolationist nation again? Is it really that bad. Is another world war likely?

    After watching the history channel program on the rise and fall of the spartans, it is interesting to note how the rise to power corrupted them. Only after they fully appreciated their power, did it corrupt them, and cause them to become more imperialist.

    down with imperialism


    • why should parents irresponsible enough to have children get tax breaks and not me? (I make less than 30,000 a year). That's bull****.

      I want a flat tax I'm tired of people with children getting all these breaks.

      perhaps i wasn't clear about that zinger.

      bush said that it would apply to all families with children, and would help those who most need it.

      for some odd reason, as much as i hate taxation, i was under the impression that a family of four who earns less than thirty thousand needs a bit more money than a family of four who earns over fifty thousand.


      • then they shouldn't have 4 children.

        What amazes me is that birth control is so widely available, yet no one uses it. Although I have to slam the conservatives on this one. Recently they have been trying to supress birth control and preach abstinance


        • Reflecting on the beheading....

          I'll have to bite my tounge on Bush's domestic policy. And yes he has screwed up in Iraq. But is Kerry going to be as effective in dealing with Terrorists? This concerns me quite a bit. Anyone convince me that Kerry can/will do Justice to these fiends?

          Next thing Al Qaeda will do is try to behead or set fire to a child. These monsters must be stopped.

          These people are not even people, they are demons in the literal sense.

          I'm not happy how ineffective Bush has been so far in dealing with the terrorists (Osama is still at large), but I'm afraid that Kerry might do an even worse job. His live and let live policy will lead to horrible things, that Bush has made viable.
          thats an interesting decision, and its got parralels to what is going on today.

          Palestinian: the IDF killed my brother (who was going to work) in a bombing , im going to support Al Aksa if it will make these terrorists pay.

          Muslim: the US soldiers tortured these people. I will support Al Qaeda if it will make these barbarians pay.

          how is this reaction justified, but those not?
          "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


          • then they shouldn't have 4 children.

            What amazes me is that birth control is so widely available, yet no one uses it. Although I have to slam the conservatives on this one. Recently they have been trying to supress birth control and preach abstinance

            i'm not arguing about that, diss. what i'm saying is that bush wasn't telling the truth when he said that his tax cut for children went towards those who most needed it.

            last time i checked, that counts as a lie, which is all i was pointing out.

            whether or not those people should be breeding is a completely different topic.


            • Originally posted by Dissident
              then they shouldn't have 4 children.

              What amazes me is that birth control is so widely available, yet no one uses it. Although I have to slam the conservatives on this one. Recently they have been trying to supress birth control and preach abstinance
              You seem to forget that children are a social capital. No children -or immigrants, no one to wash your bottom when you're old. It's already a severe problem with the birth rates (not so much in the US, but in Europe). I can't understand how having children can be so exclusively bad to you.
              It's highly disadvantageous to have children in our societies, that's why so few people have some (or more than one), thus it should be made rather more attractive by laws than less. The problem is how to make having children (and being good parents) compatible with female emancipation though, that's the mos timportant and difficult task for the legislator in this issue, IMO.
              The only thing I can agree with you is the last bit. Those guys are really a
              "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
              "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


              • but we suffer from overpopulation. we don't need more people

                It's mainly the immigration birth rates in my country that need to be curtailed. Maybe if that damn pope would die, and we could get another pope in who supports birth control. I can see being against abortion, but birth control?

                Mexican immigrants who are largely catholic, are having too many children. They are too poor to support all these children.

                Although I'm not sure if the catholic church supporting birth control will have any effect. There needs to be better access to birth control. You shouldn't have to go to a doctor to get birth control for women. They recently shot down the over the counter day after pill for women, I wish they hadn't done that.


                • hehe, check this out.

                  Doonsberry cartoon about beheading. What are the odds these two events would happen nearly the same time.


                  • Originally posted by Dissident
                    but we suffer from overpopulation. we don't need more people

                    It's mainly the immigration birth rates in my country that need to be curtailed. Maybe if that damn pope would die, and we could get another pope in who supports birth control. I can see being against abortion, but birth control?

                    Mexican immigrants who are largely catholic, are having too many children. They are too poor to support all these children.

                    Although I'm not sure if the catholic church supporting birth control will have any effect. There needs to be better access to birth control. You shouldn't have to go to a doctor to get birth control for women. They recently shot down the over the counter day after pill for women, I wish they hadn't done that.
                    Well, one things seems sure: We live in areas with completely different situations, as population in the Mojave Desert seems to grow, while in Styria it' shrinking.
                    Surely, globally, less children would be desirable, but each society for itself has to seek to achieve a healthy "aging pyramid" or it will have problems, either by too many children producing overpopulation or having severe social problems by being an over-aged society with a too small segment of working population to sustain all the old people (a problem most of Europe is currently facing).

                    The catholic church adopting birth control would be very important. Not just because so many people would follow suit immediately, but much of the aid personnel in third world countries are catholic and other christian, so this embracement would ease to incorporate birth control education by catholics.

                    One more thing, I think, you shouldn't forget in the case of Mexican immigrants: They generally see their children also as a capital for aging, as the family network is responsible for aiding the old people.
                    "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
                    "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.

