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  • hmm, Ebert gave this thumbs down, and I trust his reviews more than Roeper who game it thumbs up.

    maybe I'll just wait and see if it comes out on HBO.


    • Saw it Friday night and really liked it. I was quite impressed with the fight sceens. The only possible quarrel I could find with it was that they were in Greece speaking with engish accents. That would be the only thing. Oh and of course I found no quarrel with the butt shots from Pitt
      Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
      Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
      Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
      You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


      • I'm not familiar with greek women. But the one actress portrays a blonde female character.

        Is blonde hair common in greece?

        And Ebert was complaining about the fight scenes having too many soldiers. He didn't think that was realistic as that many people wouldn't be able to fit in the cities. I'm not sure what time frame this is supposed to be in. But many of those battle only involved thousands of people (less than 100,000). Some spartan battles only had forces of 5000 spartans.


        • That would be the only thing. Oh and of course I found no quarrel with the butt shots from Pitt

          Ebert is a fat fewl... He has lost all love for what a movie is really suppose to do; entertain. The fat idiot hasn't liked anything with any historical connotations since Siskel died. On top of that he gives bad reviews to movie if he doesn't like the "made up" stuff in it as well; "vapoorize" for example. Granted he likes it or not, and that his choice, but I really hate him for rating a movie on it's "reality". It's a movie for christ's sake!

          Troy was a definite thumbs up, 4 stars in my book.


          • The fat idiot hasn't liked anything with any historical connotations since Siskel died.

            With ANY historical connotations? So are you saying he hasn't liked historical fiction as well? Because that would be very wrong. He loved 'Master and Commander'.
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • and the Last Samurai


              • God...putting those movies together in two posts is like having Pepporoni and Brussel Sprouts on the same pizza (in reverse, of course)
                "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                • Regardless, he judges movies based on whether or not they fit his basis of what historical trueness (is that a word?) is and I find that bad form.

                  Granted there are many things obviously wrong in Troy, buy Last Samurai? Cruise picks up Japanesse and the respect of the Samurai in 6 months?! WOW!!! And M&C, while good, was a gay festivle and you all know it... Those two movies were no better or worse than Troy.


                  • God...putting those movies together in two posts is like having Pepporoni and Brussel Sprouts on the same pizza (in reverse, of course)

                    The Last Samurai wasn't that bad .

                    he judges movies based on whether or not they fit his basis of what historical trueness (is that a word?) is and I find that bad form.

                    Like you said, movies are to entertain, and if they don't fit his ideas of historical trueness, then they don't entertain him.

                    Granted there are many things obviously wrong in Troy, buy Last Samurai? Cruise picks up Japanesse and the respect of the Samurai in 6 months?! WOW!!! And M&C, while good, was a gay festivle and you all know it... Those two movies were no better or worse than Troy.

                    Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets

                    Troy pales in reviews to The Last Samurai [by a little bit] and especially Master and Commander [by a LOT] (my favorite movie of the last five years, at least).
                    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                    • Master and Commader was not gay. I'm ex-navy so I have to stand by it (although the navy back then was a little different ). I bought the collector's edition, I love this movie.

                      You know they wanted to hit that south american prostitute woman. the damn captain should have let them have some time to get some action. He was so busy chasing that damn ship.


                      • Troy pales in reviews to The Last Samurai and especially Master and Commander
                        Reviews. right.

                        I found Star Wars, Ep. 1 and 2 way more entertaining than those 2, and they got worse reviews as well.

                        I think everyone is best served watching them and deciding for themselves. I would recommend any of those 3 movies, however, to anyone.

                        Lost in Translation suked!


                        • I found Star Wars, Ep. 1 and 2 way more entertaining than those 2, and they got worse reviews

                          Your entire movie opinion is now discredited and can never be used again!
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • Last Samurai was great. Master and Commander was all "OOO RRR WE'RE MEN BEAT CHEST YARR" and was akin to listening to all the football pep-talks I had in 8th grade.

                            Troy's characters just weren't relateable to the reviewers, which is the main problem with the movie. Why did Helen leave Sparta with Paris? Paris showed no love for her, and they even went so far as to suggest he probably didn't love her. The acting from almost everyone but the veterans (O'Toole, Cox, some of the other kings), especially that of Diane Kruger and Orlando Bloom, was atrocious. Pitt was good but suffered from horrible dialogue and fighting that was more Hong Kong than Greek.

                            I stick by my 2 1/2...I had very little catharsis (which ironically is a Greek word).
                            "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                            ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                            "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                            • Your entire movie opinion is now discredited and can never be used again!
                              Yup, Ep. 1 I would give 3.5 stars, and Ep. 2 3...

                              Both Samurai and M&C get 3. So sue me.

                              I did have a problem with the women characters in Troy, I loved how undedicated they were to their actions. Helen was always easy to convince, like the scene when Hector caught her trying to leave, I even commented how "strong willed" these women were. Even Hector's wife was an idiot. O'Toole was good, and I thought Pitts acting was fine, not award winning, but enough to make me like him, and I felt bad when he and Hector died, and felt happy when Agammanon, or whatever, was killed... It was fun. Unlike M&C which got boring, what, 2 fights?! The only thing I like about it was the ending, it made me laugh. Samurai had much better artistic direction and acting, but I felt the fighting was bad...


                              • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                                I found Star Wars, Ep. 1 and 2 way more entertaining than those 2, and they got worse reviews

                                Your entire movie opinion is now discredited and can never be used again!
                                agreed. at first I thought that was a typo and he meant episodes 4 and 5.

