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The British National Party

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  • Who is to say that that one person know's better though, that same person?
    If that person is highly qualified, with years of relevant experience and study behind him. Let me put it this way: You have two groups of people. You have, sitting round a table, economists, sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, lawyers, historians, politicians, scientists. No more than 20 people perhaps. Then you have the contents of St. James Park on a Saturday afternoon. Who would you choose to make a critical political decision? Not that difficult really is it?

    Some of them, but it doesn't matter.
    Start reading.

    Economically maybe they are socialist. But to be a communist you have to believe in the brotherhood of workers and all that.
    Not at all. Collectivism, protectionism and cooperatives. All of which are either implied or stated in the BNP's policies.

    To be nationalism is the key to my political beliefs. Am I dangerous?
    Politically, nationalism is dangerous because is enables its advocates to appeal to a primal state, the fears and insecurities of people uneducated in these matters, and point to the flag as a banner to rally around and what not. I, as a liberal, have no such device and means of manipulation, which means that if a society is faced with a difficult time, perhaps analogous to early 1930's Europe, then the parasite of National Socialism will rise again, a phoenix from the ashes of Nuremberg. Coming from a Jewish point of view, that makes it dangerous. From sympathising with the next likely scapegoat, it makes it doubly so.

    Needless to say, I know nothing about you so I'm not prepared to accuse you of being dangerous because you hold opinions that are, to the best of my estimation, merely uninformed.
    "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
    "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


    • Originally posted by Derekrage

      To be nationalism is the key to my political beliefs. Am I dangerous?
      Individually or as part of a group?

      Individually- it all depends on how tasty you are in a fight and how much you know about home-made explosives.

      As a group- nope. Whether you like it or not, you're politically marginalised and the chances of the BNP wielding any sort of real power are slim to the point of being non-existant.
      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


      • If that person is highly qualified, with years of relevant experience and study behind him. Let me put it this way: You have two groups of people. You have, sitting round a table, economists, sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, lawyers, historians, politicians, scientists. No more than 20 people perhaps. Then you have the contents of St. James Park on a Saturday afternoon. Who would you choose to make a critical political decision? Not that difficult really is it?
        Depends really. The philosophers, economics etc will most likely base their opinions on statistics without any real knowledge of what is like "on the ground". That still does not take away the fact that politicians are there to represent their constituents (like it or not this is a democracy) and this is real concern for people.

        Start reading.
        I know the christian crusaders played a part in the radicalisation of Islam, with the Mamuleks and all. But to be honest I dont care about their past.

        Not at all. Collectivism, protectionism and cooperatives. All of which are either implied or stated in the BNP's policies.
        I don't think you can class the BNP as communist though, I thought to be a communist you had to be athiest, be anti-property rights and be anti-imperialist.

        As a group- nope. Whether you like it or not, you're politically marginalised and the chances of the BNP wielding any sort of real power are slim to the point of being non-existant.
        Not as slim as you might think, if the BNP can get some sort of breakthrough in the upcoming European elections then I think the party will expand more rapidly.

        It's an underground thing which is getting bigger all the time. In Canada more and more people are immigrants and while they do like hockey (which is the big deal here) they also love football. When the World Cup is on all the ethnic communities get out in the street to celebrate (the Koreans were mental a couple of years back).
        Interesting, hopefully the North Americans will one day play football as their main sport.
        "When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet that in three weeks, England would have her neck wrung like a chicken - Some chicken! Some neck!" --Winston Churchill, speech made to the Canadian Parliament on December 30, 1941.


        • I think you're over-estimating the number of people willing to watch their taxes rise while Britain turns into a stagnating little economic backwater run by scum.
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • I think you're over-estimating the number of people willing to watch their taxes rise while Britain turns into a stagnating little economic backwater run by scum.
            I don't think I'm underestimating the number of people that want Britain to have an independant foreign policy, a strong military and a tough justice system. And they will find that in the BNP.
            "When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet that in three weeks, England would have her neck wrung like a chicken - Some chicken! Some neck!" --Winston Churchill, speech made to the Canadian Parliament on December 30, 1941.


            • An isolationist foreign policy (as we can forget the EU, the Commonwealth is unlikely to be interested, and the US may cool off once we withdraw all support in Iraq), a largely pointless and expensive tax-funded military (as it will only be used for home defence) and a hypocritical justice system that will hang terrorist bombers unless they're in the BNP National Executive.

              Add rising unemployment as UK companies react to restrictive anti-globalisation measures by switching more intensively to web-based trading or simply up sticks and move abroad entirely, rising taxation to pay the military and patch the trade deficit, a collapse of the housing market as the lack of immigrants causes demand for housing to tail off sharply, a return to negative equity in a climate of record consumer debt- and you've got the makings of an impressive recession. The brutal fact of the matter is that your beloved party's economic policies place their finger squarely on their own self-destruct button.

              You haven't a hope. All those great populist policies you like will be in ruins, and you'll just have the racism to fall back on. Will it be worth it?
              The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


              • I agree with Laz. Their economic policies are mostly hopeless.

                But the reason why I defend them (as opposed to supporting them) is because I think they do have some vlid points with regards immigration and the justice system.


                • Here is the official BNP stance on the economy

                  Globalisation, with its export of jobs to the Third World, is bringing ruin and unemployment to British industries and the communities that depend on them. Accordingly, the BNP calls for the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports. We will ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in British factories, employing British workers. When this is done, unemployment in this country will be brought to an end, and secure, well-paid employment will flourish, at last getting our people back to work and ending the waste and injustice of having more than 4 million people in a hidden army of the unemployed concealed by Labour’s statistical fiddles. We further believe that British industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong in the final analysis to the British nation and people. To that end we will restore our economy and land to British ownership. We also call for preference in the job market to be given to native Britons. We will take active steps to break up the socially, economically and politically damaging monopolies now being established by the supermarket giants. Finally we will seek to give British workers a stake in the success and prosperity of the enterprises whose profits their labour creates by encouraging worker shareholder and co-operative schemes.
                  While I am not an economist I do not think it will lead to ruin. Say what you want about the BNP leaders but they are not stupid, if they ever do get into power they will appoint an economist to carry out their policies in an effective and secure way. If some policies will lead us into decline they will not implement them just because of idealism.

                  But the reason why I defend them (as opposed to supporting them) is because I think they do have some vlid points with regards immigration and the justice system.
                  This is the main attraction of the BNP to ordinary people. The BNP's socialist policies might repulse conservatives and lose them votes but the BNP position on these issues attracts people from both sides of the political landscape.
                  "When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet that in three weeks, England would have her neck wrung like a chicken - Some chicken! Some neck!" --Winston Churchill, speech made to the Canadian Parliament on December 30, 1941.


                  • Originally posted by Derekrage

                    While I am not an economist I do not think it will lead to ruin. Say what you want about the BNP leaders but they are not stupid, if they ever do get into power they will appoint an economist to carry out their policies in an effective and secure way. If some policies will lead us into decline they will not implement them just because of idealism.
                    Lovely. So you don't actually expect those economic policies to be put into action?

                    Which do you think will survive, or are you happy to leave thought to others on this issue?
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • Which do you think will survive, or are you happy to leave thought to others on this issue?
                      Most of them will survive but they will be implemented gradually and based on the economic realities of the day.
                      "When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet that in three weeks, England would have her neck wrung like a chicken - Some chicken! Some neck!" --Winston Churchill, speech made to the Canadian Parliament on December 30, 1941.


                      • You do realise that one you've mentioned most (preventing outsourcing to other nations) is pretty much guaranteed to be a non-starter?

                        How's that going to be done? Fine companies doing so? Subsidise companies staying entirely within the UK? A return to state ownership of everything?
                        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                        • Tariffs.


                          • Blimey. Any takers on what that'll do to inflation?
                            The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                            • Originally posted by Park Avenue
                              How do you impose tariffs on services?
                              Stop Quoting Ben


                              • You do realise that one you've mentioned most (preventing outsourcing to other nations) is pretty much guaranteed to be a non-starter?
                                The legal system. Simply make it illegal for them to do, unless under extreme circumstances.
                                "When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet that in three weeks, England would have her neck wrung like a chicken - Some chicken! Some neck!" --Winston Churchill, speech made to the Canadian Parliament on December 30, 1941.

