1. Because you are a citizen of this country.
2. Because you and your family(I assume) and friends live here.
3. Because you are a citizen, everything bad that happens to this country will have an adverse effect on you.

4. An emotional attachement to this country like you feel towards a family member or friend.
You and you're family might work hard but so do people in Africa and they live in poverty, the difference between them and us is that we were born into a country that has educated us and given us the opportunity to make a good life. British citizens (not citizens of Saudi Arabia) provide us with security and justice as policeman fireman and Judges. If my kids and your kids and every other British citizens' children can have the same opportunties and freedoms as us at the price of the rest of the world, then I pick us anyday of the week.
If I had the choice between pleasuring myself, or 99 other people (99x more pleasure gained), the utilitarian thing to do is choose the latter!