notyoueither, very succinctly put. Do you have any idea how many insurgencies thye world has had in the last quarter century because the "seperatists" don't get it. They want the right to succede, but god forbid that any of their populations have a similiar right concerning adjoining political units (as in vote to join them instead of going with the successionists) or to split out on their own. "But that's different..."
Oncle Boris, you turn around and make both my points - paternalism and meaning well. You almost grant my point:
Then you state
Igloos are primarily Inuit and Eskimo - the Cree are woodland peoples who had a very rich and varied culture long before the Europeans came on the scene. With the proper royalties from Hydro-Quebec (totally renegotiated with the option to SHUT DOWN the dam if there is no agreement - let's see how much better the deal is ). I'll bet they could return to a hybrid lifestyle combining the best of the modern world and village life. Hear of satellites? By the way, do any of you Canadians know if Hydro-Quebec has offered the Cree back-royalities on the unfair/coercive royalty deals from the 1960's or 70's - I don't know the answer, but I have strong suspicions.
There is an odd similarity I hadn't realized here. The South dominated the US government though 1860. All but one or two presidents either living there or being native Southerners, they had the majority leader in both houses almost without fail, and totally throughout the period dominated the Supreme Court. Yet they whined about Northerner's being unfair. Looking at Oncle Boris's post on various PM's, injustices, our unique institutions (couldn't resist the dig - I'm being slight unfair on that one, TROLL, TROLL), and splitting the economic pie and there's an unpleasant similarity. Just a thought.
Oncle Boris, you turn around and make both my points - paternalism and meaning well. You almost grant my point:
...If they want to leave, fine. My only point is: legally, a sovereign Quebec would simply get a transfer of authority from the federal, and as such would uphold any treaty that they have with the federal, which means that they would have no good, legal reason to whine about it...
There is IMO a difference between paternalism and realism: when you look at it, they would have trouble sustaining their own country. They must import everything by plane, and I doubt they could afford it without the governmental help they receive. That, or they abandon their houses and resort to igloo-like lifestyle.
There is an odd similarity I hadn't realized here. The South dominated the US government though 1860. All but one or two presidents either living there or being native Southerners, they had the majority leader in both houses almost without fail, and totally throughout the period dominated the Supreme Court. Yet they whined about Northerner's being unfair. Looking at Oncle Boris's post on various PM's, injustices, our unique institutions (couldn't resist the dig - I'm being slight unfair on that one, TROLL, TROLL), and splitting the economic pie and there's an unpleasant similarity. Just a thought.