Originally posted by notyoueither
Would you mind relating what leads you to be a soft seperatist? I am genuinely curious.
I think where I am from should tell you that I favour a weaker central power as well. It's ironic that for all the moaning about Quebec that goes on out here (Alberta and the West in general) we have no more natural ally in Confederation than those in Quebec who want stronger provincial rights.
Would you mind relating what leads you to be a soft seperatist? I am genuinely curious.
I think where I am from should tell you that I favour a weaker central power as well. It's ironic that for all the moaning about Quebec that goes on out here (Alberta and the West in general) we have no more natural ally in Confederation than those in Quebec who want stronger provincial rights.
I would prefer to live in a smaller\less populous country.
I think many of the problems that many countries have are based on big countries.
I would rather be more reprensented, with laws that follow what people around me think.
In a big country, a million can be a minority.
Of course on the international level, your voice decreases, but I still would prefer it that way.
Now my lesser argument is that there are slight differences, mostly cultural between Quebec and the rest of Canada. I don't think they are big enough to warrant secession by themselves, but some people do.
We don't totally agree on the reasons (most separatist's reasons are not very well-founded if you go in deeper, same goes for federalists, the truth is most people dont really think about why they have) a certain opinion but we sorta agree on the result...