You're lying in a hospital. It's the middle of the night. A nurse comes in, and without your permission, gives you an injection of meds prescribed by some doctor you don't know, can't remember, and who has probably not done more than take a passing glance at your chart.
This phenomenon has caused LOTS of innocent folks to die. By Shawnmc's logic then, I must conclude that he would be against the practice of medicine....and multi-passenger vehicular transit too, for that matter.
Nope, it's not a perfect world, and as fallable humans, we make mistakes.
Now, before you start harping on about how my other two examples (above) are "different" because people enter hospitals of their own accord (for the most part), please keep in mind that this clown had a choice too.....he didn't have to kill his family.
This phenomenon has caused LOTS of innocent folks to die. By Shawnmc's logic then, I must conclude that he would be against the practice of medicine....and multi-passenger vehicular transit too, for that matter.
Nope, it's not a perfect world, and as fallable humans, we make mistakes.
Now, before you start harping on about how my other two examples (above) are "different" because people enter hospitals of their own accord (for the most part), please keep in mind that this clown had a choice too.....he didn't have to kill his family.