Originally posted by chegitz guevara
Not my link, man. I seperated out the lies of Bush and the lies of his Administration. I think he's responsible for those who work for him and lie, however, and he has created a permissive environment for lying. This is certainly one of the most dishonest governments we've had. I hope that whatever subsequent Administration comes to be has the cajones to investigate this Adminstration fully, and send those who need to go to prison to prison.
Why hasn't Bush asked his staff to sign an affidavate that they didn't leak Valerie Plame's name, nor do they know who did? Why has this administration thrown roadblock after roadblock in front of the 9/11 commission? Why has this administration been firing scientists who disagee with the junk science the Bushies base their policy on?
Hell, I doubt Bush even knows what truth is anymore.
Originally posted by Ned
Che, yeah sure.
I checked that anti-Bush, lie site.
Che, yeah sure.
I checked that anti-Bush, lie site.
Not my link, man. I seperated out the lies of Bush and the lies of his Administration. I think he's responsible for those who work for him and lie, however, and he has created a permissive environment for lying. This is certainly one of the most dishonest governments we've had. I hope that whatever subsequent Administration comes to be has the cajones to investigate this Adminstration fully, and send those who need to go to prison to prison.
Why hasn't Bush asked his staff to sign an affidavate that they didn't leak Valerie Plame's name, nor do they know who did? Why has this administration thrown roadblock after roadblock in front of the 9/11 commission? Why has this administration been firing scientists who disagee with the junk science the Bushies base their policy on?
Hell, I doubt Bush even knows what truth is anymore.