Wanna get rid of popups? get safari. oh wait, thats only for apple, the company who makes shoddy products.
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Want to get rid of the popups??
From the faq:
We were a bit reluctant to say it in this past, but this a privately owned forum, not a public square. It is our right to accept or not accept certain kind of discussion or certain kind of users. We will be seting the rules and enforce them as we see fit. We believe in freedom of speech, but again, this is not a public square(there are laws that apply to public squares too, but that's another issue ). We hope that you understand our position
Whaleboy post on Jan. 30, 2004:
I'm curious, by using software like Mozilla or Mozilla Firebird, am I abusing the fine service of Apolyton because I set it to block popups?
cause unlike other visitors, you are using the site without creating any income towards paying the bills which creates a cost that has to be paied by the other visitors...
...I could find and nowhere could I find as a condition of using this site that I must use software to access that does not have pop-up blockers, or not have pop-up blockers enabled etc. Perhaps you could point me to a URL I missed?...
But yeah, if I'm wrong and there is a condition of use here that I must view the pop-ups, then please show me and I will cease use.
if you need something like that to be in the official user policy, we'll be adding that specifically.
until then, i hope you comply with our wishes without having a contract in your hands...@ Whaleboy's argument due to fact it has been answered.
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003
Directly from MarkG on Feb. 5, 2004:
We have stated lots of times that using pop-up blockers is harming Apolyton. However we have not yet penalized anyone for doing such a thing. And yes, we can implement systems to even block these users.
Now if you want to hear it in an official tone, as of now, not using pop-up blockers is part of the user policy that you agree to by browsing our site."I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003
When do we have to register and how much is it?
Ain't too rich these days..."Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
"...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
"sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.
Originally posted by Whaleboy
Not my concern. Only that it wont be done using underhand tactics and my bandwidth.
using ad-blockers means that you use our site resources(cpu, bandwidth, hard disk) without generating any income towards paying for these resources
explain to me how this is right
one site has a forum with 223 posts and 51 registrations and another has 110k posts and 1387 registrations. compare the numbers with ours (2.6mil posts, 49k regs) and tell me if i really should look into their financing sollutionOther forums of which I am a member (Ektopos.com and politicsforum.org (I am BenElijah on both)) do not have pop-ups or the like. See how they finance.Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
you do contribute, by paying to your ISP who pays for the use of infrastructure, etcYou use the internet all the time without contributing.
or are you not paying for net access either?Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
Originally posted by MarkG
one site has a forum with 223 posts and 51 registrations and another has 110k posts and 1387 registrations. compare the numbers with ours (2.6mil posts, 49k regs) and tell me if i really should look into their financing sollutionOther forums of which I am a member (Ektopos.com and politicsforum.org (I am BenElijah on both)) do not have pop-ups or the like. See how they finance.What's that? 26,000 times their size?
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003
Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
Sell a licence plate frame that says "My words are backed with nuclear weapons" not "My words are backed with nuclear power"
Originally posted by Whaleboy
Other forums of which I am a member (Ektopos.com and politicsforum.org (I am BenElijah on both)) do not have pop-ups or the like. See how they finance.
Its a recognised piece of technology that is regarded by IT people as a useful tool, recommended for use on the internet by people like you and me.
Actually it's pretty much loathed accross the IT industry.
"Well whatever the rights and wrongs, that is the law"Your telling me to obey the rules with spurious reasoning, as is the state with regards to cannabis.
If you come to my house and I ask you to take off your shoes while inside and to sit in the seat that I designate to you, surely it's not unreasonable of me to ask that? Fighting the government because you don't agree with what they're doing with your tax money, and breaking the house rules of a private individual in his own place where you are a voluntary guest, are two very different things. And Apolyton is a privately owned site where you are a voluntary guest, not a government institution.
Also, if I would life next door to you and tap your power, would you be happy to pay for my electrity?
You use the internet all the time without contributing. Is that unreasonable?
Unless you can show as a direct consequence of my actions that people are seeing more pop-ups, I will not accept that view for the simple reason that the actions of one person and his browser are unlikely to impact majorly upon the computers of thousands.
In fact, Markos has explicitly stated in the past that every popup blocked by one user is shown to another.
Since I don't block pop-ups (at least not on Apolyton), I get more pop-ups that I should be getting because I get part of your share as well. Thank you very much for that.
Originally posted by monkspider
I think that something that some people here have lost sight of is that this is a fan site, not a buisiness, and the primary focus should not be to generate revenue.
I'm going to resort to the old arguement "I pay for this site when I pay my ISP bill."
But putting that aside, it would be more productive to talk about the kind of extras you would need to have to be willing to fork over dough.
Here is a reasonable start
+No ads
+OT posts give +1
+Custom Titles
+One get out of Mingapulco free card
+One risk-free DL
+Possibly removing the swear filter for Apolyton Plus members (This one might be a bit more iffy though)http://monkspider.blogspot.com/
It's best not to boast about your site membership numbers unless you want the Audit Bureau of Circulation to come down and have a look-see at how "real" those numbers are.
Oops. I was in a "newspaper" frame of mind there.
Gatekeeper"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
Originally posted by monkspider
"I pay for this site when I pay my ISP bill."
not so sure....+OT posts give +1
possible, but would have to+Custom Titles
a) retain the right for the administration to not approve a title
b) find some way to not confuse custom titles with the special titles of our "celebrities"(game developers, company people, etc)
hmmm no+One get out of Mingapulco free card
+One risk-free DL
but everyone else will still not be allowed to swear, so...+Possibly removing the swear filter for Apolyton Plus members (This one might be a bit more iffy though)Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
Where is the harm in having a single DL and having OT posts count? The others I can somewhat understand why you would be hesistant to offer, but if you want us to open up our wallets during these rough economic times Mark, you need to make it worth our while. The larger avatar and PM space mentioned in the other thread is just not going to cut it.http://monkspider.blogspot.com/
we've fought DL's for a really long time now. we're not going to sell out nowCo-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog