Originally posted by MrFun
You seem to be an idiot.
The problem that we have, is not that we're denied getting married to someone of the opposite gender. Our problem is that we are not recognized when marrying someone of the same gender.
You seem to be an idiot.
The problem that we have, is not that we're denied getting married to someone of the opposite gender. Our problem is that we are not recognized when marrying someone of the same gender.
"Are Homosexuals discriminated?"
Which they aren´t if you take the traditional Standpoint of Christ fundamentalists that matrimony is something between a man and a woman (because matrimony is, from this standpoint, closely connected to the production of children).
So, gays aren´t prevented from getting married and therefore not discriminated for gender or sexual Orrientation.
They are just prevented from marry the person they love (whereby love, as I stated is no prerequisite for a marriage)
So, regardless of wether you call me an Idiot or not, there might be a lot of christian fundamentalists who might counter the arguments of Homosexual the same way I did.
(not myself, as I see no reason to prevent Homosexuals from marrying their and just tried to see thing with the eyes of an fundamentalist)