Sava, I've been pro environment all along.
It's you baby killers and anti military wimps that keep me firmly on the right. 
Spiffor, Defiant, people should not be free to harm other people by their actions. Consider the anti smoking laws... I'm all for em. I should be free of some idiot poluting the air I breath. Also, the people living in those South Pacific islands that are going under water would still have a home if it weren't for polluters. Are those people free? I'm for personal responsability. We need to clean up our act and quit whining about it.
Defiant, I don't expect you to willingly give up your 4x4. I just expect you to give it up.

Spiffor, Defiant, people should not be free to harm other people by their actions. Consider the anti smoking laws... I'm all for em. I should be free of some idiot poluting the air I breath. Also, the people living in those South Pacific islands that are going under water would still have a home if it weren't for polluters. Are those people free? I'm for personal responsability. We need to clean up our act and quit whining about it.
Defiant, I don't expect you to willingly give up your 4x4. I just expect you to give it up.
