Well, I've found out that my team will be transfered down to Najaf for 30-90 days. The Forward Operating Bases (F.O.B.s) were just established last month during all of the fighting there so there isn't telephone or internet access. That means after tomorrow I might not be able to post for a good long while. I just want you folks to know so you don't freak out.
On top of that my detachment is moving off of the CMOC and is moving to the nearby Air Force base in Kirkuk. The move is only about two miles but the Captain feels the CMOC is to small and poorly defended so it might get over run if the hajjis ever tried to make a go at it. He is right in a way. There is only one perimiter wall and there are no fall back positions (other then the buildings) plus there is the added uncertainty of most of our guards being locals. I honestly feel the sufis are very trust worthy but when it comes down to it why should we take any chances if we don't have to?
The net effect is that we're all packing everything we own. I'm sorting my things into two groups. One are the things I will need while I'm deployed down in Najaf and the second is everything I won't need in Najaf but which I need to have moved to the Air Base. I have a few subjects I've been meaning to post about so after I finish up a bit I'll try to make a couple more posts tonight.
On top of that my detachment is moving off of the CMOC and is moving to the nearby Air Force base in Kirkuk. The move is only about two miles but the Captain feels the CMOC is to small and poorly defended so it might get over run if the hajjis ever tried to make a go at it. He is right in a way. There is only one perimiter wall and there are no fall back positions (other then the buildings) plus there is the added uncertainty of most of our guards being locals. I honestly feel the sufis are very trust worthy but when it comes down to it why should we take any chances if we don't have to?
The net effect is that we're all packing everything we own. I'm sorting my things into two groups. One are the things I will need while I'm deployed down in Najaf and the second is everything I won't need in Najaf but which I need to have moved to the Air Base. I have a few subjects I've been meaning to post about so after I finish up a bit I'll try to make a couple more posts tonight.