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Should Europe Go To War With America?

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  • #46


    • #47
      Originally posted by yavoon

      the military capability and effectiveness of europe is so insanely far below that of the USA.
      No it's not, our offensive capability is way below yours but our defensive capability is more than enough to stop the US long enough for spending to rocket to WW1 or WW2 proportions (30% to 40% of GDP compared to 2% to 3% now) - and at those levels our greater supply of people of military age and our larger economy (GDP of the EU25 is 102% of the US) would make the contest pretty even.

      Originally posted by yavoon
      ur being insanely disingenuous to even propose that europe's military is a match for america's.
      It is you who are being disingenuous to assume that just because europe cannot deploy massive force anywhere in the world that we cannot adequately defend ourselves.

      Originally posted by yavoon
      I'm not sure where u thot I was mentioning employment. I was pointing out if u stopped spending so much on paying ppl to not work u might have some leftover for a military.
      How much more does the US spend on it's criminal justice system?
      Could that be related to the fact that it's harder to get by when you're poor in the US than in the EU?
      The US also spends the same share of it's GDP (around 6%) on Medicare and Medicaid as europe does on it's universal healthcare systems (with the upshot that private citizens spend 5% less of GDP on private healthcare)

      Originally posted by yavoon
      oh and here's a stat..
      well to quote you back:

      Originally posted by yavoon
      but then again, find one statistic and hammer it into a post and they make u right eh?
      But anyway, so you're saying that because you are spending more that makes you better defended?
      Have you ever heard of value for money?
      We get far better value for money on defence here in europe (but we do get worse value for attack )

      Europe could not engage in an aggressive war with the US unless it changed it's military - but why do we need to?, if there was ever any problem that needed the 'world community' to deal with it then the US would do so in it's own self-interest - why shouldn't we freeload on the US now just as the US freeloaded on the UK in the 19th century?
      But we could easily hold off the current US military (which is having trouble engaging in the occupation of 1.5 countries) untill we built a military to match yours - remember it only took the US 6 years to do just that.
      19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European


      • #48
        Originally posted by el freako

        No it's not, our offensive capability is way below yours but our defensive capability is more than enough to stop the US long enough for spending to rocket to WW1 or WW2 proportions (30% to 40% of GDP compared to 2% to 3% now) - and at those levels our greater supply of people of military age and our larger economy (GDP of the EU25 is 102% of the US) would make the contest pretty even.
        read thread title more. self own less.


        • #49
          European technology - especially in aviation - is far inferior to US technology. I even remember reading that Europe may be as much as ten years behind (or more). AFAIK Europe doesn't have Stealth or precision-guided munitions (at least not in significant quantities).

          (btw, I'm not sure whether or not all of that applies to Britain)


          • #50
            You read the thread title.

            If we decided to attack the US we would wait untill we had built a military capable of doing so. (which would take 20 years if we were leisurely about it, 10 if we were in a hurry and 5 if we were desperate).

            You show the same understanding as one of my british countrymen in the 1880's who could say "Germany can never threaten us, they don't have a navy worth speaking of".
            19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European


            • #51
              We don't need them. We'd swat your planes out of the sky with harsh language.
              "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

              Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


              • #52
                Originally posted by el freako
                You read the thread title.

                If we decided to attack the US we would wait untill we had built a military capable of doing so. (which would take 20 years if we were leisurely about it, 10 if we were in a hurry and 5 if we were desperate).

                You show the same understanding as one of my british countrymen in the 1880's who could say "Germany can never threaten us, they don't have a navy worth speaking of".
                Don't you think the US might notice this and also increase spending? I don't see any reason why we couldn't expand (or in the worst case maintain) the technology gap.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Paul Hanson
                  We don't need them. We'd swat your planes out of the sky with harsh language.
                  Also remember that it was the british defence research agency that worked out how to track the US's stealth aircraft.
                  19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Paul Hanson
                    We don't need them. We'd swat your planes out of the sky with harsh language.

                    Come back again and I shall taunt you some more.
                    "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                    “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by skywalker

                      Don't you think the US might notice this and also increase spending? I don't see any reason why we couldn't expand (or in the worst case maintain) the technology gap.
                      Simple reason - money and resources.

                      Europe has as much of them as the US does, so if we decided to match your military we could - we could both spend each other into massive debt.

                      You've got to remember that if you make an enemy of europe then it won't be like facing the Soviet Union which had (at best) just under half your economic resources - you would be facing your equal in spending power and your superior in terms of manpower.
                      19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by el freako
                        You read the thread title.

                        If we decided to attack the US we would wait untill we had built a military capable of doing so. (which would take 20 years if we were leisurely about it, 10 if we were in a hurry and 5 if we were desperate).

                        You show the same understanding as one of my british countrymen in the 1880's who could say "Germany can never threaten us, they don't have a navy worth speaking of".
                        no. but hey if u wanna look at realistically.

                        first the EU 25 is united on NOTHING. much less willing to die side by side against america.

                        second that bull**** u were refering to about how u can copy america in WWII. we were in a massive depression, had high unemployment, empty factories. and half the country(women) were doing nothing! europe has none of those.

                        third there is no political sentiment for attacking nething possibly including small rodents in europe. the entire continent has no balls(britain is not on the continent).

                        and hell while we're adding #'s. the US economy props the world up. u think other ppl are going to let u take what drives their export driven economies and throw missiles at it so we can't afford their products nemore? wtf is that.

                        u are totally and completely incapable in all but the most fantasy of lands where # of ppl=possible military strength. of even matching the US's military prowess. and u r most certainly all but inept at ever hoping to launch an invasion against america.


                        • #57
                          You're taking this far too seriously.
                          "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                          Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Paul Hanson
                            You're taking this far too seriously.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Paul Hanson
                              You're taking this far too seriously.

                              Congrats to Dashi for an effective troll, got the panties of the zealots on both sides into a bundle.
                              "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                              "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by yavoon

                                379 billion (2003) - United States
                                $48 billion - increase from Fiscal 2002 to 2003

                                $ 34.8 billion ( 2001 ) - United Kingdom

                                $ 29 billion ( 2000 ) - Russia

                                $ 27 billion ( 2000 ) - France

                                $ 23.1 billion ( 2001 ) - Germany

                                $ 18.7 billion ( 2000 ) - Saudi Arabia

                                $ 15.9 billion ( 2000 ) - India

                                $ 14.5 billion ( 2000 ) - China

                                $ 12.8 billion ( 2000 ) - South Korea

                                $ 12.8 billion ( 2000 ) - Taiwan

                                $ 7.5 billion ( 2000 ) - Iran

                                $ 3.3 billion ( 2000 ) - Pakistan

                                $ 1.8 billion ( 2000 ) - Syria

                                $ 1.4 billion ( 1999 ) - Iraq

                                $ 1.3 billion ( 2000 ) - North Korea

                                $ 1.3 billion ( 2000 ) - Yugoslavia

                                $ 1.2 billion ( 2000 ) - Libya

                                $ 425 million ( 2000) - Sudan

                                $ 31 million ( 2000 ) - Cuba

                                yah, we'd rock u.
                                If that aint a clear sign of the world getting civilised, I don't know what is.

                                How many mars missions and/or other fine things such as elimination of various diseases, hunger, dirty water, global pollution, etc would these combined numbers buy?
                                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                                Then why call him God? - Epicurus

