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Paintball is PAINFULL!!!!!!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Essayo

    and zero i'm going to have to agree with flippy on this one, thats just insane only wearing shorts....what kind of area were you playing in? we had this whole bush thing going on so there were heaps of sharp branches and prickly things and stuff. so glad i was wearing overalls.
    my friend's uncle's backyard.

    when i go play in paintball range i wear flak jackets or kevlar vests (without kevlar it still soaks up alot of the hit) elbow straps etc etc.

    next time when someone hits you after they get hit, walk up to them as you keep on shooting him and give him a good punch in the stomach


    • #32
      If they don't do anything about it next time you see him shove the barrel down the front of his pants and unload.



      • #33
        Originally posted by Zero

        when i go play in paintball range i wear flak jackets or kevlar vests (without kevlar it still soaks up alot of the hit) elbow straps etc etc.
        Ahahahahaha. You big jessie. Where's your Viking spirit?
        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


        • #34
          it was actually really great where we went, cos first we played capture the flag in this bush bit, so we could hide behind trees and behind bushes. its all fully overgrown so heaps of hiding places. and the second game we played was desert storm where one team were 'americans' and the other team were 'iraqis' and the americans had to try to 'invade iraq' and that was cool cos we could crawl around in long grass and snipe each other.
          I'm definitely going again, i'm going to get that dude back - hehe hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
          I have learned my lesson though - wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt underneath, cos i was only wearing shorts and a tank top under my overalls.....i'm not sure where i could find a quilted snowsuit in new zealand, dr strangelove


          • #35
            There was a setup I went to a couple of times in South Auckland. I used a partial wetsuit. That worked rather well as far as offering protection but one can overheat pretty quickly even in winter.
            Wouldn't even like to think about it during summer.

            A bush shirt or jacket could come in handy too (pick one up in almost any shop that deals with tramping/hiking) although again you wouldn't want to wear it around for too long in warm weather.

