Students only, for obvious reasons. 
My schedule:

My schedule:
CPSC 411: Compiler Construction I
Introduction to compilers, interpreters, and the tools for parsing and translation. Lexical analysis, context free grammars and software tools for their recognition. Attribute grammars and their applications in translation and compiling.
CPSC 413: Design And Analysis Of Algorithms I
Techniques for the analysis of algorithms, including counting, summation, recurrences, and asymptotic relations; techniques for the design of efficient algorithms, including greedy methods, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming; examples of their application; an introduction to tractable and intractable problems.
CPSC 471: Database Management Systems
Conceptual, internal and external databases. Relational database systems and SQL. The normal forms, database design, and the entity-relationship approach.
CPSC 481: Human-computer Interaction I
Fundamental theory and practice of the design, implementation, and evaluation of human-computer interfaces. Topics include: principles of design; methods for evaluating interfaces with or without user involvement; techniques for prototyping and implementing graphical user interfaces.
SENG 411: Human & Org Aspect Software Engineering
Addresses the human and organizational aspects of software development. Topics will include requirements engineering techniques, formal specifications, human factors, software documentation and manuals, software project management, social, ethical, and professional issues. Emphasizes a large-group project.