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America did NOT capture Saddam Hussein...

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  • America did NOT capture Saddam Hussein...

    before you guys mistake me for Baghdad Bob (Iraqi Info Minister)... you should read the following reports. The Kurds captured Saddam. But the American public certainly won't be told the truth, as Bush will take all the credit for the apprehension of Saddam.

    from the Christian Science Monitor:

    So why would the US military not want to give full credit to the Kurds for Hussein's capture? The Herald suggests a motive: "[PUK leader] Jalal Talabani's links to Tehran have always worried Washington, and having his party grab the grand prize from beneath their noses would be awkward to say the least."
    A good read, I suggest you guys take a look.

    Common Dreams has been providing breaking news & views for the progressive community since 1997. We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported. Our Mission: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.

    For a story that three weeks ago gripped the world's imagination, it has now all but dropped off the radar.

    Peculiar really, for if one thing might have been expected in the aftermath of Saddam Hussein's capture, it was the endless political and media mileage that the Bush administration would get out of it .

    After all, for 249 days Saddam's elusiveness had been a symbol of America's ineptitude in Iraq, and, at last, with his capture came the long-awaited chance to return some flak to the Pentagon's critics.

    It also afforded the opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of America's elite covert and intelligence units such as Task Force 20 and Greyfox .

    And it was a terrific chance for the perfect photo-op showing the American soldier, and Time magazine's "Person of the Year", hauling "High Value Target Number One" out of his filthy spiderhole in the village of al-Dwar.

    Then along came that story: the one about the Kurds beating the US Army in the race to find Saddam first, and details of Operation Red Dawn suddenly began to evaporate.

    US Army spokesmen - so effusive in the immediate wake of Saddam's capture - no longer seemed willing to comment, or simply went to ground.

    But rumours of the crucial Kurdish role persisted, even though it now seems their previously euphoric spokesmen have now, similarly, been afflicted by an inexplicable bout of reticence.
    so called "mainstream" corporate media conglomerates won't cover this story... but it seems the propaganda blitz by Bush was, as most things, not entirely accurate.
    To us, it is the BEAST.

  • #2
    i always have a deep suspicion of stories which the 'corporate mainstream media' won't touch, usually because they turn out to be a load of old toss.
    "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

    "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


    • #3
      I remember Bremer's press meet that sunday. He didn't mention who captured Saddam. I don't remember having seen any official gloating that was the work of US soldiers, at least on that day.

      But it's obvious Bush will milk what political profit he can from the arrest, even though the American soldiers may be not the ones who captured him. And there would be something true about that: only the American attack on Iraq allowed for a climate where Saddam could be arrested. It's one of the very few things Bush can be proud of, so let him be pride of that.
      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


      • #4
        Nope, not touching this one.


        • #5
          I don't know, but I thought that the fact that Saddam was not captured by American forces a moot point. I pointed out well over a week ago that he was captured by Kurds. I was actually stunned that so many people had latched on to the propaganda.


          • #6
            Originally posted by C0ckney
            i always have a deep suspicion of stories which the 'corporate mainstream media' won't touch, usually because they turn out to be a load of old toss.
            yes, because "Britney Spears getting married" and "Michael Jackson molestation" are the standard litmus test of what is newsworthy...

            I kind of figured by posting this, the usual suspects of conservatives stuck in denial would give some kind of response like this. Or DD would say something like, "Who cares?".
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • #7
              Nice objective reporting:

              After all, for 249 days Saddam's elusiveness had been a symbol of America's ineptitude in Iraq, and, at last, with his capture came the long-awaited chance to return some flak to the Pentagon's critics

              Hmmm, let's see...

              We knock over the place in a little over a month, while one ******* who has had years and virtually unlimited resources to prepare for any possibility hides behind that delay of a month and goes to ground amonst his tribal relatives and loyalist hacks.

              So we're "inept" for failing to capture one ******* hiding out in thosands of square miles of countryside amongst millions of civilians.

              Gee, with that little editorial coloring on the story, I'm sure they're ever so objective in everything else.
              When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


              • #8
                well sava, all i'm saying is that you're going to have to come up with something a little better than '' (!) to convince most people.
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #9
                  Originally posted by C0ckney
                  i always have a deep suspicion of stories which the 'corporate mainstream media' won't touch, usually because they turn out to be a load of old toss.
                  Good man!
                  I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                  For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                  • #10
                    Interesting articles Sava.


                    • #11
                      Thats because the rumor was that one of his wives turned him in.

                      Plus some things don't match up, he apparently had 750k in dollars, 2 assault rifles and a pistol.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by C0ckney
                        well sava, all i'm saying is that you're going to have to come up with something a little better than '' (!) to convince most people.
                        christian science monitor?

                        MtG: Name me a media outlet that is "objective".
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • #13
                          Why do people find CNN and New York Times more trustworthy? These media have a vested interest they are trying to protect.


                          • #14
                            I'm not DD, yet I ask it: "who cares?"

                            Really, what difference does it make if US or kurdish soldiers arrested him? (I'm actually willing to believe those are the Kurds, given Bremer's discretion on the topic on that day) Does it make any less true that Saddam will n,ow not come back? The the only positive outcome of the war has been finally reached?
                            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                            • #15
                              well CSM (who i'm not overly familiar with btw) seems to be simply quoting from others, such media giants as the sydney morning herald and the scotish sunday herald and doesn't even say anything definate then.
                              "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                              "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton

