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Death to France!

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  • Originally posted by skywalker
    I don't understand why everyone is quoting "muslim religious scholars" as authorities on whether or not it is a religious obligation. If I think something is obligated by my religion, then it IS. My religious beliefs ARE my religion.
    That how Muslim Woman feel about the head scare they wear. I have little problen with muslim in general. I once work in than office where there was than young woman who wore just low cut blouse that you should quite clearly see her entire breast with no bras, than microminskirt so short that you where able to see that she wore no pannty and she alway compliant about the male looking at her. The female office mangenter was than middle east christian that got trie was her complaint about man looking at her that she brought
    in the clothing the Muslim Woman wear in Saudia Arabic and she told her one more complaint from her about man looking at her she will have to wear it to work.
    By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


    • There is no just thing as than culture pure France culture or any culture for that matter. Are willing as than Franceperson live than life like the Celtic Gaul live way back in history. Culture borrow idear's from other Culture all the time. The idear of zero came from than city-state of ancient Pakistan culture, muslim merchant saw the zero being use than a numbering system that was able to express very large number easier by just useing 10 symbal for number, that the Muslim start to use it everyday in bussieness, sciences, accounting that the use of zero spead to Europe, and other culture around the world. One of the Pope trie to ban the use of muslim numbering systen in the middle age.
      By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


      • What we are talking about in this thread has nothing to do with a so called cultural purity, why some of you are still speaking about such a thing remains a mistery.

        A girl wearing a microminskirt in the french public school would also be sent back home... but for an entirely different reason.
        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


        • Originally posted by Tamerlin
          What we are talking about in this thread has nothing to do with a so called cultural purity, why some of you are still speaking about such a thing remains a mistery.

          A girl wearing a microminskirt in the french public school would also be sent back home... but for an entirely different reason.
          I saw picture in the 1960's of French girl wearing microminskirt to school and in school than they where not sent home. Unless you want to sent 90 % of the girl home.
          The modest clothes that muslim wear where the modest cloth
          that female Christian wore in Arbaic in the Prophet life time as well as what female jew wore to be modestly dress.

          It seem like to me that French is more worry about culture pureity by not use words from other langauge like telephone,
          automobile, laser and etc.
          By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


          • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff

            I saw picture in the 1960's of French girl wearing microminskirt to school and in school than they where not sent home. Unless you want to sent 90 % of the girl home.

            A few days ago I saw a documentary about the racial riots that took place in the USA in the 1960s... why isn't your country giving equal rights to colored people?

            I am sorry CharlesBHoff but using a picture taken in the 1960s to argue about a situation taking place 44 years later is pretty ludicrous... and I am moderate.

            The modest clothes that muslim wear where the modest cloth that female Christian wore in Arbaic in the Prophet life time as well as what female jew wore to be modestly dress.
            Try again, off-topic once again...

            It seem like to me that French is more worry about culture pureity by not use words from other langauge like telephone, automobile, laser and etc.
            Wrong again, all the words you have used in your post are commonly used in the French language. Moreover, we have no lesson to receive on this ground from peoples who have replaced "French fries" with "liberty fries"...

            Before writing about a subject you seem to have no clue about, you should have a look at your Canadian neighbours, the Quebec has enacted laws about this subject that are far more restrictive than ours (and I find ours pretty ridiculous). Moreover the French laws about the foreign words have had a very, very limited impact, if any at all.

            Sorry to harden the tone but I am becoming increasingly pissed off by the off-topic rants and the groundless gratuitous anti-french nonsense of some posters. If there are no more any serious posters in this thread I won't lose more time here.
            Last edited by Tamerlin; January 11, 2004, 10:15.
            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


            • Originally posted by Tamerlin

              A few days ago I saw a documentary about the racial riots that took place in the USA in the 1960s... why isn't your country giving equal rights to colored people?

              I am sorry CharlesBHoff but using a picture taken in the 1960s to argue about a situation taking place 44 years later is pretty ludicrous... and I am moderate.

              Try again, off-topic once again...

              Wrong again, all the words you have used in your post are commonly used in the French language. Moreover, we have no lesson to receive on this ground from peoples who have replaced "French fries" with "liberty fries"...

              Before writing about a subject you seem to have no clue about, you should have a look at your Canadian neighbours, the Quebec has enacted laws about this subject that are far more restrictive than ours (and I find ours pretty ridiculous). Moreover the French laws about the foreign words have had a very, very limited impact, if any at all.

              Sorry to harden the tone but I am becoming increasingly pissed off by the off-topic rants and the groundless gratuitous anti-french nonsense of some posters. If there are no more any serious posters in this thread I won't lose more time here.
              In Calf than school princple who was female was lifting 18 year old school girl prom dresses to see it they where not wearing trong panties under the promo dresses in front of the boys waiting in line who where watching what the princple was doing and watching the girls private part being reveal. Partent compia to the school board than the princple was in touble. Teenager want to rebell from parent autherity between the age of 14 to 18. It best to let then do it in a harmless way like wearing microminskirt or makeup. I grew a beard while in hight school against school board polcy, drug like heron was widely use in my hight school which is why the school board didnot make a big deal about teenager growing beard, plus it was 1970 the two founder of the village of Lindenhurst where beard man and the village was holding than beard growing contest open to any male over 14 year old.

              I as than republician in open rebell against our party leader refuse to call french frie freemdom fries. Or boyatte
              French products. There are alot of rank and file party member like me who are every unhappy with our party leader. Alot of use donot support Bush illegal war in Iraq and in Afghanistan than the anti-Islam talk of certain Christian Fundie inside our party who want than religious war. Alot of rank and file member donot support Bush tax cut for the wealth only especial in a time of huge bugbet red ink and trade red ink..

              The riot we have in the 1960's where needed to push throught some needed laws to reform our system by forceing political to deal with than issue they didnot want to deal with. Put people in jail isnot the answer to all social
              problen there are more people in America pirson than China have, our political donot want to deal with the issue
              of social justice.
              By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


              • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff

                I as than republician in open rebell against our party leader refuse to call french frie freemdom fries. Or boyatte
                French products. There are alot of rank and file party member like me who are every unhappy with our party leader. Alot of use donot support Bush illegal war in Iraq and in Afghanistan than the anti-Islam talk of certain Christian Fundie inside our party who want than religious war. Alot of rank and file member donot support Bush tax cut for the wealth only especial in a time of huge bugbet red ink and trade red ink..

                The riot we have in the 1960's where needed to push throught some needed laws to reform our system by forceing political to deal with than issue they didnot want to deal with. Put people in jail isnot the answer to all social problen there are more people in America pirson than China have, our political donot want to deal with the issue of social justice.
                I cited the 1960s riots only to point at the fact that events that took place 40 years ago can't always be used to argue about something taking place nowadays.

                "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                • Tamerlin, assuming for a moment that it is French law to suppress and eliminate religion in schools and other public institutions, not by the government, but by the people themselves, all we in much of the rest of the world have to say is that the French policy is wrong.

                  As you would protest our Death Penalty, discrimination against minorites or whatever, we protest your suppression of freedom of religion. Just saying that it is part of your constitution does not make it right even if it is legal.


                  • OK. After France is destroyed, I claim its territory and citizens. Always wanted to be a Byzantine emperor. I'll have to trade the territory to the Turks and make the French speak Greek, but with ultimate power I intend to get, that's not a problem.
                    "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                    I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                    Middle East!


                    • Ned, I don't agree with you of course but this is only my opinion. As far as I am concerned I am really amazed at the number of men that are still believing in a god, whatever his name, at the beginning of the 21st century.

                      But what I am sure about is that I will never accept that there can be a difference in the enforcement of a law because of the religion of an individual, equality.

                      Whether the law in question is good or bad is another question, as far as I am concerned the lay status of our institutions is a fundamental principle of our republic I agree with... but what can you expect from someone who is exhibiting anti-clerical tendancies if not to agree with this principle?
                      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                      • Well, Tamerlin, as the French Republic was founded, in part, to stamp out religion, the United States was founded, in part, to preserve the right of people to practice it ANYWHERE.

                        Just because I defend this basic right of all peoples everywhere does not mean that I adhere to a particular religion or even believe in God. I personally, am an Agnostic.


                        • Originally posted by Ned
                          the United States was founded, in part, to preserve the right of people to practice it ANYWHERE.
                          I hope you mean anywhere in your borders
                          "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                          "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                          "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                          • Originally posted by Tamerlin
                            Ned, I don't agree with you of course but this is only my opinion. As far as I am concerned I am really amazed at the number of men that are still believing in a god, whatever his name, at the beginning of the 21st century.

                            But what I am sure about is that I will never accept that there can be a difference in the enforcement of a law because of the religion of an individual, equality.

                            Whether the law in question is good or bad is another question, as far as I am concerned the lay status of our institutions is a fundamental principle of our republic I agree with... but what can you expect from someone who is exhibiting anti-clerical tendancies if not to agree with this principle?
                            Science never prove that GOD doesnot exist so GOD exist. We know the Big Bang came out of nothing, The Quran said Allah created the entire creation from nothing with one huge explodeing of light which was the big bang about 13 or 14 billion year ago. I think that Napoleon's was wise to drop the lay status from the French law book and republic institution.
                            By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                            • Originally posted by Spiffor

                              I hope you mean anywhere in your borders
                              Hah! When they persecute people on account of religion anywhere, we protest.

                              It is, in our opinion, a human rights violation.

                              That is why we protested Chirac new law.


                              • Originally posted by Ned
                                Well, Tamerlin, as the French Republic was founded, in part, to stamp out religion...

                                This explanation is a bit simplistic...

                                Just because I defend this basic right of all peoples everywhere does not mean that I adhere to a particular religion or even believe in God. I personally, am an Agnostic.
                                The French Constitution also recognizes the Freedom to choose and practice ones religion... so long as it does not interfere with the lay status of our institution.

                                Science never prove that GOD doesnot exist so GOD exist.
                                Science never proved GOD exists so GOD does not exist.

                                This kind of argumentations is specious... at best.
                                "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

