Originally posted by lord of the mark 1. But nonetheless wearing large crosses was allowed - is this not true?
2. BTW you are incorrect about a continuous lay status since 1789 - in fact of course your republic is not continuous since 1789 - the first empire had a concordat with the papacy, France under the Bourbon restoration was definitely Catholic, even the Third Republic was IIUC continued Catholic control of the schools for some years - the laic status quo wasnt really established till 1905, IIUC.

About the third republic it seems you have more knowledge about the subject than I do. What is important is that the control of the Republic over the Public School was reestablished. After such a thing it is no wonder they have experienced the need to formalize the laic status of the Republic in 1905.

Now, don't tell me that the laws enacted in 1905 were directed at the muslims...
