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Before I forget and the next night passes...

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  • #46
    Why would anyone want to control their dreams??? It spoils the surprise!
    Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......


    • #47
      Originally posted by Pekka
      The only things that I can't continue are sexual dreams. It's weird, everytime I'm starting to wake up and I was just making out with a hot chick, and I try to continue, I seem unable to and them I'm 'damn it!'
      I rarely choose that type of dream... I'd much rather talk to these other vectors of myself than have sex with them.
      Sometimes I invent people so I can have self-discovering conversations.
      Why search for the perfect woman when you can just imagine her up?

      You don't actually need to be dreaming for stuff like this though - I get the sense from just imagining it to be real while I am conscious.
      Difficulty is, in my memories of stuff like this I can't recall any 'sense data' from the outside world, but I know I can sense it.

      Maybe it is a resting or dreamstate... since sirens can wake you while you're sleeping but you don't remember what your ears detect while you dream.


      • #48
        Originally posted by skywalker
        There's another interesting and possibly related thing that happened to me recently. I couldn't sleep, and I was just thinking about thing in bed, to try and go to sleep. This continued for about six or seven hours (before I got sleep medicine and actually fell asleep), and I thrashed about a bit, getting tangled in the comforter, but I realized later that I'd almost been in a trance, and I'd actually rested about as much as I did sleeping. It was like an awake-dream.
        Happens to me too, I can do the quiet consciousness thing.
        I believe it's stage 1 sleep or possibly stage 2.
        Deep sleep and dream sleep are different stages, but it's all still sleep.

        (I wonder why my mind isn't burnt out since I use the thing when I'm awake AND when I'm sleeping)


        • #49
          Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
          Hmm...I seem to have two problems with lucid dreaming.

          5. Too often an evil entity tries to subverge me. Let me tell you another dream:

          ME: Am I dreaming?
          IT: No.
          ME: Yes I am.
          IT: No you are not. Trust me on this one.
          ME: If I'm dreaming....*asked a question about my father*
          IT: *made up an answer*
          ME: No, I am dreaming.
          Suddenly I was transported to blackness....Everything was dark and this entity was right in front of me.

          IT: There is so much knowledge you have not even begun to explore. Come with me....i will show you these things....
          I was on the verge of accepting. The words "Yes! Take me!" were forming in my mouth and they were just about to penetrate my lips when suddenly thoughts of my wife entered my mind. Her face began to permiate the area, and I got very angry. I just boomed "NO! NEVER!" and I "woke up"...sorta. I heard this shatter coming from downstairs so I Looked and all was fine.

          ME: Am I dreaming?
          IT: Yes. You are.
          ME: OK....
          IT: You will never escape. I will haunt your dreams.
          ME: No.
          IT: Join me now, and I will spare you.
          ME: No...You can't do anything to me. This is inside me, I can tell. In fact.....
          Ever tried combatting the entity?
          Sounds like you have the self-combattant strain going on as well. Chances are that some part of your psyche also has a bit of control, and is trying to muck things up a bit.
          My advice would be to talk to this entity. You can probably summon it forth right after the dream ends and talk it over.
          Failing that just learn to take control and beat the crap out of it.

          I'd try allying with the evil thing and trying to form a Tassadar / AntiTassadar Archon of sorts; When the light and dark sides of our energies are combined our power is undeniable eh?

          OMG this will be -so- cool:
          It'll be great when they can connect human minds to the internet and make them consciously aware of another world.
          I'll use these lucid states to hack that world!
          We could have international brain hacking championships...
          My 1337 Brainzor will 0wn all j00 n00b13 brainzor.


          • #50
            I had something that might be described as a lucid dream once.

            I was laying in bed on my stomach. I had fallen asleep for a couple of hours and was just starting to wake up. I opened my eyes for a split second and looked out the open bedroom door at the top of the staircase in my upstairs hallway. With my eyes shut again, for some unknown reason, I imagined a black cat on the top step. It was an angry cat and it stared at me with it's yellow eyes and began to slowly move towards me. I sensed myself moving on the bed, crawling on the bed towards the door. I felt like I had become the cat that I was observing. When I reached the edge of the bed, the cat by the stair leapt at me and at the same time I leapt at the cat and off the bed towards the door. I hit the floor hard, scraping my knee pretty good and jamming one of my fingers. My eyes opened wide on impact but I felt like I was still dreaming, looking for a sign of movement in the hallway, ready to pounce on anything that came through the door. After about 10 seconds, I realized what had happened and snapped out of it, feeling kind of silly. But I was amazed at how real it all seemed.

            I always go to bed with the TV on now so that my mind doesn't wander like this...


            • #51
              Lucid dreaming My eight hours of omnipotence

              You start by looking at your hands, and from there life gets better until you wake up .
              "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
              "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


              • #52
                You start by looking at your hands, and from there life gets better until you wake up


                • #53
                  so how do I get a lucid dream?


                  • #54
                    spray your brain with some polish before you go to sleep
                    Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......


                    • #55
                      tried that before, to no avail


                      • #56
                        Seriously, the first step is looking at your hands while dreaming. Then you have to log your dreams and after a couple of weeks of continued exercising of your power, you will lucid dream. It is an incredible experience I cannot really describe it, except it allows you to unleash more of your mental power than corporeal life allows. Fun doesn't really cover it.
                        "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                        "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Whaleboy
                          Seriously, the first step is looking at your hands while dreaming. Then you have to log your dreams and after a couple of weeks of continued exercising of your power, you will lucid dream. It is an incredible experience I cannot really describe it, except it allows you to unleash more of your mental power than corporeal life allows. Fun doesn't really cover it.
                          But everyone is different, I never look at my hands, and I lucid dream everynight. And I've also never logged my dreams either.

                          But basically, what logging your dreams accomplishes is that it forces you to think about your dreams more, which can result in lucid dreaming. So why not cut to the chase, save some time, and just think about them?


                          Just think about your dreams, think about dreaming, and about what it would be like to lucid dream, and in time you will have one. Because, think about it... most of the time "normal" dreams are about things you've been thinking about or experienced in your everyday life, so if you include lucid dreaming into the things you think about, you'll dream about it, and at least for me, just the notion of dreaming or lucid dreaming in a dream will jettison me into a full fledged lucid dream.

                          And lucid dreaming is just scratching the surface... once your brain gets into that stuff, there's a whole other set of wierd experiences that can occur, both waking and asleep.

                          And I'm no newager by any means... I was raised conservative catholic, and while I'm not exactly catholic now, those things never really leave you.


                          • #58
                            I reckon you only have partial control over your dreams, because you are not really using all of your conscious mind
                            But why do I know I'm still dreaming yet I'm losing control? And why in such a violent fashion?

                            I just takes practice to get control of your lucid dream state.
                            But how? once got quite obsessed with it, and thats when I met the entities. I don't like them.

                            Face it, Tass. Commies and traitors can never lucid dream.
                            Ah, but I'm a commienazi. That makes things different.

                            Why are geeks so obsessed with controlling dreams? Are their real lives that bad?

                            lucid dreaming = out of body experience

                            but as soon as I stretch my arm out in the dream I tend to strech my arm out in reality - and promptly wake myself up.
                            This indicates to me that perhaps you aren't dreaming but instead having an astral projection.

                            I was aware of the outside world AND the dream world both at once.
                            Thus confirming my last statement.

                            Why would anyone want to control their dreams??? It spoils the surprise!
                            Because its FUN?

                            Ever tried combatting the entity?

                            I'd try allying with the evil thing and trying to form a Tassadar / AntiTassadar Archon of sorts;
                            Trust me, that would be a very VERY bad idea. Never ally yourself with evil entities.
                            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                            • #59

                              But how? once got quite obsessed with it, and thats when I met the entities. I don't like them.
                              Exactly, man. Get obsessed with it, think about it alot, and it will just happen. Just like when you got obsessed with it before and something strange happened. Just keep thinking about it. I'm serious man, I know everyone else here probably disagrees, but thats really all it takes.

                              Especially right as you're lying in bed, since, generally, what you think about right before you fall asleep is what you initially dream about anyways.

                              Edit: And don't give up because it scares you... being scared at first is quite common, from what I'm told. I can't really remember my first lucid dream, I was too young, but I'm sure it probably scared me too.

                              Ah, but I'm a commienazi. That makes things different.
                              Point taken.


                              • #60
                                I don't think I really have lucid dreams, certainly not regularly. Most of my dreams which I remember (a minority of all my dreams) are ones in which I feel like I'm in control but in fact am not. It's hard to explain.

                                I think I've posted before about the dream where I got shot. It was not long after Columbine so I think it must have been on my mind. It was at my high school and someone just walked into study hall and opened fire. I took a bullet in the chest. Then I forced my eyes open and found myself lying in bed.
                                Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.

