I dont know what kind of responses I'm looking for, I'm just thinking out loud I guess. Anway, I just got back from a date with someone that I see causing me to change a lot of things about myself. I've been seeing two girls for the past month. When I say seeing I mean spending a lot of time talking to on the phone and having lunch with. Tonight I went on my first official date with one and now I'm going to have to make a decision between one or the other. The thing is I would be one lucky bastard to end up with either of these women. It's not me deciding who I will grace my presence with at all. It's very humbling that they are so close to me as they are..
Candidate 1
18 years old. Very smart, very mature. She has recently lost her fiance to a car accident like I did a couple years back. (6months ago) Since I'm 29 the age factor would be present in my mind if it wasnt for the fact that she was so much more mature than a 18 year old should be. She works her own job, pays for her tuition, is apart of the local search and rescue team and has excellent taste in just about everything. I have known her for the past three months. She lives fairly far from me but has said she wants to move to my town to go to college here anyway.
Candidate 2
25 years old. two children, a duaghter and a son that both live with her. She lives for her kids. She is finacially independent, and knows very much what she wants in life. We have talked for little over 4 months. Having lunch together but always as friends. Tonight that situation took a step forward. She has been divorced for only 6 months and is understandably wanting to take things slow. I haven't meet her kids in person yet but tonight when she got home her little boy said that it would be ok if she got a new boyfriend if he were nice. So I'm taking that as a good sign.
Her ex lives in the same town as we do. He sees his kids every other weekend. The standard deal it seems around here. I realized tonight that this woman is pretty much everything I have looked for. She is bright, independent, loving and apparently sees some good in me.
The problem seems to be that both these women are great. I have so much in common with both of them..They have both been through hell and come out the other end stronger than before. Unlike most others that I have dated and been with, these women bring just as much as I do to the table. They are both strong people. No one that I will have to prop up emotionally. Someone that can give a little back as good as they get. It's kind of weird that after all this time of finding crap, I find two amazing women in the span of five months. And all of that under the shadow of me waiting to go overseas. Both of these I would have no doubt would wait for me to come back.
Candidate 1
18 years old. Very smart, very mature. She has recently lost her fiance to a car accident like I did a couple years back. (6months ago) Since I'm 29 the age factor would be present in my mind if it wasnt for the fact that she was so much more mature than a 18 year old should be. She works her own job, pays for her tuition, is apart of the local search and rescue team and has excellent taste in just about everything. I have known her for the past three months. She lives fairly far from me but has said she wants to move to my town to go to college here anyway.
Candidate 2
25 years old. two children, a duaghter and a son that both live with her. She lives for her kids. She is finacially independent, and knows very much what she wants in life. We have talked for little over 4 months. Having lunch together but always as friends. Tonight that situation took a step forward. She has been divorced for only 6 months and is understandably wanting to take things slow. I haven't meet her kids in person yet but tonight when she got home her little boy said that it would be ok if she got a new boyfriend if he were nice. So I'm taking that as a good sign.

The problem seems to be that both these women are great. I have so much in common with both of them..They have both been through hell and come out the other end stronger than before. Unlike most others that I have dated and been with, these women bring just as much as I do to the table. They are both strong people. No one that I will have to prop up emotionally. Someone that can give a little back as good as they get. It's kind of weird that after all this time of finding crap, I find two amazing women in the span of five months. And all of that under the shadow of me waiting to go overseas. Both of these I would have no doubt would wait for me to come back.