Originally posted by Sirotnikov
And still, Asher, I seriously question the quality of your philosophy lessons. It's not that easy of a subject. And it is a very interesting and important subject, so I really don't get why are you so proud that you have skipped most lessons.
And still, Asher, I seriously question the quality of your philosophy lessons. It's not that easy of a subject. And it is a very interesting and important subject, so I really don't get why are you so proud that you have skipped most lessons.
It says something about the important and usefulness of a course if you can skip 95% of the lectures and pull an A-.
You've said it yourself, that the degree is supposed to get you a diverse education and make you more enlightened. And then you go and tell us how proud you are that you managed to avoid all that. Doesn't sound so good
And I agree that the quality of instruction may have been an issue, I was taught by a fellow named Dr. Brian Grant, from New Zealand, who happens to have been one of Lee Churchman's (Agathon) Masters professor.