Government needs to do more to redistribute wealth - I wouldn't call it wealth distribution exactly, but I believe, certainly in the US, in raising the tax rate to pay for public services. Purely because I believe in a basic healthcare for all, and that would involve raising tax in the US.
Government needs to take over some things that are done by the private sector - Same as above, healthcare should be available to all. While I'm all for private clinics too, there should be a government run basic healthcare service that anyone can use.
Government should not regulate the private sector more - With the exception of environmental regulations, as the next question is for, I think the government should let business get on with it's job. However I think firms should pay the full public costs of their actions, not just the private costs. So tradable pollution permits to make them pay the public cost of the pollution they spew I'm all for.
Government should do more to protect the environment - I think currently many countries, the US especially, do not pay the full public/world cost of the pollution they spew. The amount of pollution coming from the US is huge, and it affects the whole world. We are all paying, in terms of environmental damage, for the US's economy, and that isn't right.
The government needs to further separate itself from religion - Freedom of religion should be preserved, but so should freedom from religion. I don't want laws that I have to observe to be made according to a religion I don't believe in. If religious people wish to live by them, that's great, but don't expect me to abide by the laws of a religion I don't subscribe too. Also, the current inherant Christianity in government, such as Bush's speaches ended with "God Bless America" don't exactly help freedom of religion for those that don't agree with the notion of God, or who call him by a different name. Government should be secular. However this goes both ways. The government should stay out of religion too.
The death penalty should be used under some circumstances - This was a hard choice, as I'm not pro-death penalty, but I think life in prison puts too much economic pressure on a nation. It can also be a good bargaining tool. Therefore, while I would like to see it used extremely rarely, I wouldn't want it completely taken off the table, so I'm marginally more this position than having it banned.
Abortion rights should be expanded - I think a women has a right to withdraw her services at any time. I think it should be up to the doctor and women, not a court, to decide.
People should have more personal freedom (ie to smoke marijuana) - I think it's your body to destroy as you wish. However I would like to see smokers have to pay for some of their treatment in hospital, since while it's you right to smoke, I don't see why I should pay for the consequences of your actions. If you want to take the risk, go ahead though. I also think the age of consent should be lowered, as it is for ther teenage to decide when they have sex, and that any adult should be allowed to sign any contract they wish.
The individual needs more privacy from the government, more trial rights, etc - The word privacy did it for me here. I think a person has a right to privacy and fair trial. However I think the police should have enough power to catch criminals. I think it's a fine balance, but I think the Patriot Act went too far, and thus I am marginally on the side of more privacy and trial rights.
Western democracies should leave the ROW alone - In terms of force. A ruler of a foreign nation should not have to have their leadership ratified by the US or anyone else. I think we should judge leaders on their actions, not how they came to power, too.
Government should allow civil unions only - I think gays deserve the same rights as straight people, with regards to legal union and cohabitation. However. while I am for Gay civil unions, to me, marriage is a religious event, and so I am against the government telling religions that they have to accept something they disagree with as acceptable. I think they should be allowed civil unions, with the same rights as a married couple, but without the religious connontations of marriage. Hence pro-gay civil unions but anti-gay marriage.
Gay couples should be allowed to adopt - I think a loving home is a loving home, whether straight or gay. As long as they pass the usual tests for adoptive parents, I see no reason not to allow gay couples to adopt.
Government needs to take over some things that are done by the private sector - Same as above, healthcare should be available to all. While I'm all for private clinics too, there should be a government run basic healthcare service that anyone can use.
Government should not regulate the private sector more - With the exception of environmental regulations, as the next question is for, I think the government should let business get on with it's job. However I think firms should pay the full public costs of their actions, not just the private costs. So tradable pollution permits to make them pay the public cost of the pollution they spew I'm all for.
Government should do more to protect the environment - I think currently many countries, the US especially, do not pay the full public/world cost of the pollution they spew. The amount of pollution coming from the US is huge, and it affects the whole world. We are all paying, in terms of environmental damage, for the US's economy, and that isn't right.
The government needs to further separate itself from religion - Freedom of religion should be preserved, but so should freedom from religion. I don't want laws that I have to observe to be made according to a religion I don't believe in. If religious people wish to live by them, that's great, but don't expect me to abide by the laws of a religion I don't subscribe too. Also, the current inherant Christianity in government, such as Bush's speaches ended with "God Bless America" don't exactly help freedom of religion for those that don't agree with the notion of God, or who call him by a different name. Government should be secular. However this goes both ways. The government should stay out of religion too.
The death penalty should be used under some circumstances - This was a hard choice, as I'm not pro-death penalty, but I think life in prison puts too much economic pressure on a nation. It can also be a good bargaining tool. Therefore, while I would like to see it used extremely rarely, I wouldn't want it completely taken off the table, so I'm marginally more this position than having it banned.
Abortion rights should be expanded - I think a women has a right to withdraw her services at any time. I think it should be up to the doctor and women, not a court, to decide.
People should have more personal freedom (ie to smoke marijuana) - I think it's your body to destroy as you wish. However I would like to see smokers have to pay for some of their treatment in hospital, since while it's you right to smoke, I don't see why I should pay for the consequences of your actions. If you want to take the risk, go ahead though. I also think the age of consent should be lowered, as it is for ther teenage to decide when they have sex, and that any adult should be allowed to sign any contract they wish.
The individual needs more privacy from the government, more trial rights, etc - The word privacy did it for me here. I think a person has a right to privacy and fair trial. However I think the police should have enough power to catch criminals. I think it's a fine balance, but I think the Patriot Act went too far, and thus I am marginally on the side of more privacy and trial rights.
Western democracies should leave the ROW alone - In terms of force. A ruler of a foreign nation should not have to have their leadership ratified by the US or anyone else. I think we should judge leaders on their actions, not how they came to power, too.
Government should allow civil unions only - I think gays deserve the same rights as straight people, with regards to legal union and cohabitation. However. while I am for Gay civil unions, to me, marriage is a religious event, and so I am against the government telling religions that they have to accept something they disagree with as acceptable. I think they should be allowed civil unions, with the same rights as a married couple, but without the religious connontations of marriage. Hence pro-gay civil unions but anti-gay marriage.
Gay couples should be allowed to adopt - I think a loving home is a loving home, whether straight or gay. As long as they pass the usual tests for adoptive parents, I see no reason not to allow gay couples to adopt.