How old are you?
old enough to know that if she doesn't live with my brother, she's going to get the room farthest from mine.
Now let's say that tomorrow you are struck by a falling tree and paralyzed. Would you still then argue against social security measures being used to benefit you, even though the accident wasn't your fault, or anyone else's?
actually, yes. because in that case, i should have had the foresight to have my own health insurance.
the only two forms of social security i can stand are unemployment benefits and student loans. anything else in its current form are excessive and poorly run.
there's a proverb from somewhere that says it's worse to have married badly than to have never married at all. social security is no different. the current system is so poorly run that it is doing more damage than if we didn't have one. this is not to say a good system isn't a good idea--but sometimes it's better to raze the entire structure and start from scratch.
hell, it almost worked with atlanta, didn't it?