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Germany don´t has to pay for NATO bombardments when German planes didn´t participate

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  • #16
    These suits are ridiculous. I'll tell you what - just deduct the claim from all the claims that have/should be made by the Crotians, Turks, Albanians and every other ethic group abused by Serbia under Milosevic.

    1 trillion euros minus 1.2 million euros, leaves Serbia to pay 998.8 million euros. Okay - that evens it out.
    Haven't been here for ages....


    • #17
      Actually, a part of the mess is scattered around the world in various courts. You already know about Hague, where individuals are trialed.

      It is less known that Croatia and Bosnia are also suing Serbia as a country for starting the aggression and thus initiating all the wars in the nineties. They also seek reparations. I forgot which court are those cases processed by. Serbia has tried to get Bosnia to drop the charges too, by promising economic aid and so on, but they refused.


      • #18
        There's this popular believe in Serbia that Germany's precipitation in recognizing the independence of former Yugoslav countries, I think Croatia's and Slovenia's is proof that Germany wanted the disolvement of Yugoslavia.

        Plus through popular belief (since it was nationalism unbounded and Milosevic's "intoctrination) ) many Serbs believed that Germany was helping its former allies (this is not a troll alright ) to "destroy" Serbia.

        In short they're pissed at you propably as much as against Milosevic.


        • #19
          When Germany recognized and persuaded other EC countries to recognize Slovenia and Croatia, those countries have already held referendums where majority of population voted for secession which was, and this is important to know, completely legal under the constitution of Yugoslavia.

          And another thing, initially both Europe and USA (Bush I admin) had a "tough" stance on breakup of Yugoslavia. They percieved Serbia as "the strong player" who can sort out the mess.

          So Germany indeed helped the new countries to get recognized.

          In the last 13 years or so since Yugoslavia broke apart, this part of the Balkans has seen conflicts in which other European countries acted mostly on their own realpolitik reasoning, not on principle. Some "sided" with one country, some tried to prevent the war(s) and some purpusefuly helped instability, like Greece had done in Macedonia (not a troll either )

          And as far as I know Serbs are not pissed against Croatia very much nowadays.


          • #20
            I agree. During the Balkan crisis the whole of the Balkans went back like it was WW2 again. Well some more than others (like us). But there were financial benefits too.

            About FYROM (not a troll either ) Greece responded to its constitution which openly claimed it had a right to attack Northen Greece. If we wanted we could have destabilized that country. It was a try to get her to drop her "liberation" delusions while at the same time try not to get the war to our doorstep.


            • #21
              But there were financial benefits too.

              Conspiracy theory! Please tell, who payed who?

              About Macedonia it claimed it should help the Macedonians in other countries or some such, but they changed the offensive stuff when Greece reacted.

              And you did destabilize the country by imposing sanctions on it at one period


              • #22
                Originally posted by VetLegion
                But there were financial benefits too.

                Conspiracy theory! Please tell, who payed who?
                Greek companies went full throttle in Serbia. Much like Germany's companies went fuill throttle in Croatia

                About Macedonia it claimed it should help the Macedonians in other countries or some such, but they changed the offensive stuff when Greece reacted.

                And you did destabilize the country by imposing sanctions on it at one period
                They changed their constitution which explicitely gave her the right to "liberate" Northern Greece after we enacted the embargo (which excluded pharmaceutical products and food and was lifted as soon as it changed her constitution)

                After that Greece even provided army equippement to FYROM (war helicopters and such) to fight the Albanian geurilla insurection.


                • #23
                  German companies are actually quite rare in Croatia
                  Most of our banks are owned by Austrians or Italians for example.

                  Helicopters for Macedonia came from Ukraine


                  • #24
                    Even Telecommunications?

                    Modern helicopters (I think Apache's) came from Greece though


                    • #25
                      Why do you Greeks B*tch and Moan about the Title of Macedonia? The Belgians don't whine that one of their provinces is called Luxembourg.
                      Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Lonestar
                        Why do you Greeks B*tch and Moan about the Title of Macedonia? The Belgians don't whine that one of their provinces is called Luxembourg.
                        The Belgians are too busy whining if Brussels belongs to the Wallons or to the Flemish, let's not bring up Luxembourg
                        "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                        "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller

