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I'm having chest pains

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  • #16
    Diss make sure to call the doc, and really take some aspirin, makes the pain less and the heart attack fairy go away for a little while


    • #17
      COuld be indegestion (which is gas by the way), still, better safe than sorry.

      I use get chest pains a lot, and after several visits to the doctor found that it was from practicing my intruments (sax and bassoon) too much. Some how I was giving too much air, or not enough air, to my lungs and this was causing them or the muscles around them to cramp up. Whenever it occure, ussually after playing, I would just have to hold my breath for as long as I could or until the went away. Guess it didn't help that I smoked too. Gave up the instruments, need the cig.


      • #18
        huhhuhhuhhuhhuh- he said "practicing my instruments"


        • #19
          yea! And I'm still not blind!


          • #20
            i hope you do follow through with a doctor visit
            a lot of men just pass off chest pain as something else other than heart related. it can be a lot of things.
            but be safe and go get cked.
            heart problems caught early can save your life.

            my husband who was only 41 died of a massive
            heart failure just a few months ago.
            as far as i know he had no symptoms...
            but he did often talk about having pulled muscle
            pain in his chest..which he put off to a physical job
            that required a lot of lifting. which looking back
            was prob signs of heart trouble.

            be safe , go get checked out. please
            "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


            • #21
              And don't take the aspirin is shown to have a long term effect, but it is going to be more of a problem if you take it and it is a gastric related problem. Aspirin irritates the lining of the stomach - it could actually make things worse. If it is a cardiac problem, then it is a different matter.
              Speaking of Erith:

              "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

