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  • #46
    Originally posted by Drogue
    I have a problem with that site too. If it's not illegal, they shouldn't be naming and shaming them. Why not arrange to meet them at a hotel and have the police show up or something.

    What if someone is nasty to me, so I tell lots of people, "this guy is a mean person, don't hire him." Would you also support banning that?

    Leave the law up to the police and the legal system, not vigilantes that have a different agenda. If some politician wants to make soliciting like that illegal, then they may have a case, but what was said there was between two people and was legal. It should stay that way. If someone was interested in something kinky, that was legal, then that isn't the business of anyone else. If it's illegal, then they should be arrested for it.

    Also, as Monkspider said, it seems that a lot of the people are 18-19 year old guys trying to pick up 14 year old girls. If they actually had sex, it would be illegal, sure, but they didn't.

    However I'm not defending the actions of the people caught, but that sort of thing should be private, unless a law is broken. No law was broken, and that site is vigilante justice. Leave the justice up to the police and legal system, and if youn don't like it, reform the legal system. Other peoples morals, with the exception of the law, shouldn't have any place in an encounter between two people.

    They AREN'T ENFORCING THE LAW! They are merely creating social repercussions, PURELY social repercussions, for certain actions, and it is not the GOVERNMENT's right to police that!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Drogue
      When they reveal the spent sentances of a person, yes. The sex register is private in the UK, with good reason. Many people cannot comprehend the idea of punishment repaying the debt to society, and thus that person is then free. Sure, the police keep tabs on them, in case of reoffences, but vigilante justice is just people trying to impose their morals onto others. We have a law to keep order, and to punish those that do something against the morals set down. It is not for other citizens to decide to take the law into their own hands, and punish people for something that is not illegal. That is what that site is doing, ruining peoples lives for something that is not illegal. If the law's wrong, change it. If not, then enforce it as it is, but don't have other people enforcing laws that do not exist.
      "Ruining someone's life": so WHAT?! THIS IS ALL FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. If me and my friend's decide to exclude someone from everything we do, and it ruins that person's life, well, sucks for him, but THAT IS OUR RIGHT.


      • #48
        I do agree that this will deter paedphiles. If they go to the police, instead of publishing their detail, as well as make a nationwide campaign telling that there is someone walking around the web, and catching paedophiles, the effect would be immense in the regard that it would probably diminish online molesters by hundreds of percents.


        • #49
          You can't diminish anything with more than a hundred percent.


          • #50
            It's that CtP recycling plant error.

            Bah. I deserve redicule for that stupid error. I won't edit it.

            What I meant is by an order of magnitude, or two.


            • #51
              Sorry Azazel, couldn't help it. I know what you meant.


              • #52
                Sky: No-one is claiming the site's illegal. We're claiming it's morally reprehensible and that the people doing it are idiots. Can you defend their actions instead of just saying they have a right to do them?
                Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
                Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


                • #53
                  Originally posted by skywalker
                  What if someone is nasty to me, so I tell lots of people, "this guy is a mean person, don't hire him." Would you also support banning that?
                  If you publish his phone number, address, picture and tell people to call him and insult him, yes it should be banned. That's their private details. Telling someone such and such is a nasty person is fine. Posting their personal details with requests to harass them is not.

                  Originally posted by skywalker
                  They AREN'T ENFORCING THE LAW! They are merely creating social repercussions, PURELY social repercussions, for certain actions, and it is not the GOVERNMENT's right to police that!
                  They are enforcing their morals, not a law. That's my point. If they were enforcing a law it would be better. But their doing worse, their punishing people for something that isn't illegal.

                  There site states that wanting to sleep with young people is wrong. However it's not illegal. Neither is trying to. What is illegal is actually doing it. IMHO, those chatlogs should be private unless the person is breaking a law.

                  Originally posted by skywalker
                  "Ruining someone's life": so WHAT?! THIS IS ALL FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. If me and my friend's decide to exclude someone from everything we do, and it ruins that person's life, well, sucks for him, but THAT IS OUR RIGHT.
                  If your friends decide to beat him up, or harass him, that is illegal. That is what this site is set up to do. It asks people to ring their numbers and harass them. If it provided the chatlogs, without anything else, it would be more acceptable, but with the consdierable bias and the incitement of harassment (sure, they ask people not to attack them, but ask people to phone and insult them).

                  IMHO, a private conversation with someone is private, and should remain so without the consent of both parties. Moreover, this site is obviously trying to name and shame people for something that is legal. I think what goes on in a bedroom between people is no business of anyone else unless it is illegal. What those people are doing is not illegal.

                  Also, with the considerable bias that site uses, it could easily face a defamation or libel suit.
                  For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                  But he would think of something

                  "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Buck Birdseed
                    Sky: No-one is claiming the site's illegal. We're claiming it's morally reprehensible and that the people doing it are idiots. Can you defend their actions instead of just saying they have a right to do them?
                    Therein is the point. Duh, sky.
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #55
                      I think it's a good idea AS LONG AS the people running the site GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to verify the identity of the person they are going after

                      Like somebody mentined, I could totally see somebody who had a grudge against someone else impersonating them in an attempt to get them in trouble
                      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                        Therein is the point. Duh, sky.
                        You are complaining about what they are doing, and saying that they are doing something that they aren't. I'm defending them.


                        • #57
                          I'm not just a somebody!
                          Tutto nel mondo è burla


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by skywalker
                            You are complaining about what they are doing,
                            One aspect of it, yes. Was that ever an issue?

                            and saying that they are doing something that they aren't. I'm defending them.
                            When did I accuse them of doing something they weren't doing? Not I, sir.
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • #59
                              Some of you really are naive about the pure intentions of people. It makes a person feel good to think that these evil people are being harrassed but you don't see the collaterial damage that these website operaters cause. They aren't answerable to anyone, they do as they please and that in of itself is a bad thing. That is the problem with people who take the law into their own hands. The "im going to save the world complex" usually causes more harm than good. Is it worth destroying and innocent life to embarass a few? No one here is defending pedophiles, but I'm just as afraid of people with agendas as I am pedophiles praying on children.
                              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                              • #60
                                When did I accuse them of doing something they weren't doing? Not I, sir.

                                The whole vigilantism thing.

                                Some of you really are naive about the pure inentions of people. It makes a person feel good to think that these evil people are being harrassed but you don't see the collaterial damage that these website operaters cause. They aren't answerable to anyone, they do as they please and that in of itself is a bad thing. That is the problem with people who take the law into their own hands. The "im going to save the world complex" usually causes more harm than good. Is it worth destroying and innocent life to embarass a few? No one here is defending pedophiles, but I'm just as afraid of people with agendas as I am pedophiles praying on children.

                                Well, as there is nothing we can do about it socially or legally, why bother?

