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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Yep, I knew my comment would get some type of comeback.
No worse than when Ming an I were young and we'd get fed up with "look, how cute, are you twins? who's older? who's smarter. blah blah blah blah blah"
We'd respond "no, we're triplets, but our brother died at birth" just to see the looks on their faces. It usually stopped them dead in their tracks.
It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
Yes, there's a fine line there. but when kids are opinionated and subversive to the detriment of their fellow students through interuptions of the learning process, I do have a BIG problem with that. I don't want bart simpson types in my child's class.
Nothing wrong with that... we're just fun!
Your only real arguement is that corporal punishment in any kind is assault. A light spanking is a far cry from assault But it's obvious that you can't admit that without your whole arguement collapsing on itself, so you won't. And I doubt I will be able to be convinced that it is assault.
From Websters:
as.sault \*-'\ n [ME assaut, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL assaltus, fr.
assaltus,]pp. of assalire 1: a violent physical or verbal attack
vi.o.lent \-l*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L violentus; akin to L violare to
violate] 1: marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity
QED. You hit someone or an animal, without their consent, to a degree that causes pain and imposition, is assault. Simple as that really. The question is over whether or not it is justifiable assault. I say no.
My daughter is quite opinionated, but respects her teachers enough not to cause disruptions during classes. My daughter knows the difference. Most undisciplined children do not. Then the whole class suffers because of some spoiled class clown.
A distinction that becomes less and less clear the more you understand those children that you consider disruptive. I was one of them, yet I was subjected to corporal punishment. Without wanting to blow my own trumpet, I turned out ok. I have no criminal convictions, the only law I break is cannabis, I'm a writer, I'm looking after my brothers, I'm doing great at college, I'm in a band and I enjoy philosophy, politics, history, humanities and general debating. As previously iterated, I know people and parents, some my age, who have never used spanking, yet are in a similar position to me. And these are thoroughly different people. To use your analogy, arrows in a quiver. Perhaps I'm better at shooting the arrows that don't cause pain.
But it is comforting that not one other person that has posted thinks that a light spanking is assualt. There is hope for the next generation. I know that this doesn't make you wrong, but I'm glad a lot of people aren't agreeing with you about it.
Fair play to you. I understand I am very much in the minority in this matter, and that my credibility is damaged due to the fact that I have no kids of my own, but one could argue extenuating circumstances (and after my November, this situation may be different in 8 months ). I'm pleased you recognised that what is popular is not necessarily right. The number of people subscribing to a particular view is irrelevant, though if it makes you feel more secure in your convictions, sobeit. I do not need such security.
Yeah, I think I've beaten this dead horse enough.
Beating children is bad enough!
Your point that these traits are inconsistent and "either/or" is also sadly mistaken.
Of course they are not inconsistent, but with parents that cannot stand disagreement, as is so often common, it is often unacceptable to the point of assault.
But then again, I'm sure it's hard for you to understand since you aren't a parent and you have no clue what you are talking about.... Oh, that's being a bit harsh. He does have to watch his younger brothers every now and then. That's almost like being a parent.... Yeah... right...
Every now and then meaning I spend more time with them than both my parents put together, though not so much in the last few weeks. No, that is not parenthood, but being a parent does not mean that you and only you are exclusive custodians of the knowledge of childcare .
"I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
"You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:
All I have to say is that I think a small majority of my generation (Gen-X) was spanked as I was, and even less were just spanked... Prior to my gen. more were, increasingly so back in time... It hasn't been til now that parents suck as parents to such a point that they become detatched from their kids, give them to Grand*a to raise, only to have them do drugs, start Fvcking at 12, and the go and shoot up their classmates and teachers... Spare the rod and spoil the child, that's what I say.
When I am a parent I WILL spank them if the wrong me or someone else, but only after reason, positive reinforcement, and other punishments have failed... And believe me, they all failed in my case.