Now, connorkimbro probably thinks this is more evidence of me being a closet furry or something equally ridiculous, but dammit, FURRIES ARE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING. ( I love that phrase. it is the phrase that keeps on g... nevermind.)
In any case, this is a bit longish, but well worth the read. It's like a plunge to the heart of darkness. Text only, no piccies, and nothing really perverted (apart from the regular background perversity of everything furries are involved in and 50+ uses of the word 'yiff'.) But a plenty of beautiful insanity.
In any case, this is a bit longish, but well worth the read. It's like a plunge to the heart of darkness. Text only, no piccies, and nothing really perverted (apart from the regular background perversity of everything furries are involved in and 50+ uses of the word 'yiff'.) But a plenty of beautiful insanity.