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IWS XXVI Too Stupid To Be a Squirrel

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  • #31

    I'm curious to the results...
    Haven't been here for ages....


    • #32
      results will be up saturday, i beleive.
      I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
      [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


      • #33
        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


        • #34
          Sent. My responses are so stupid, I won't be surprised if I'm banned. (just kidding...)
          Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 79821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081 2848111...


          • #35
            meet the new boss, same as the old boss


            • #36
              Bump-dee BumpBump
              Haven't been here for ages....


              • #37
                2+2=5 (for extremely large values of 2)
                Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 79821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081 2848111...


                • #38
                  B U M P
                  R E S U
                  L T S ,
                  P L E A S E
                  meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                  • #39
                    bizzle the thrizzle.
                    I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                    [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                    • #40
                      Well, the Saturday deadline has come and gone...

                      Haven't been here for ages....


                      • #41
                        Remember, a time-zone difference might affect things.
                        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                        • #42
                          isn't it monday over in korea already?
                          I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                          [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by mrmitchell
                            Remember, a time-zone difference might affect things.
                            Actually I'm ahead of you time zone wise. It was a "spend weekend in Seoul yet again" thing that affected things. Going to start tabulating the results momentarily.
                            Stop Quoting Ben


                            • #44

                              1. What is the best quality of squirrels?
                              Taste (4)
                              Nuts (3)
                              Cuteness (2)
                              Bushy Tails (2)
                              Antenne or antlers, lack thereof (1)
                              in a pinch, you've always got food for the snake. (1)
                              They're all named Rocky! (except Danny) (1)
                              Grey ones (1)
                              Easier to extract than gerbils. (1)
                              They are easy to kill (1)
                              Teeth. (1)
                              rabid (1)

                              2. What is the finest brand of beer?
                              Guiness (5)
                              Some American Piss(tm) (1)
                              Molson (1)
                              Staro Brno (1)
                              Hacker-Pschoor Weiss (1)
                              Carlsberg (1)
                              Whatever is cheapest (1)
                              Heineken (1)
                              Dortmunder (1)
                              Pabst (1)
                              All of them (1)
                              Sam Adams (1)
                              Fosters (1)
                              Rolling Rock (Ok, I don't actually think this, but if I said anything else, the people at the college would kill me.) (1)
                              wine (1)

                              3. How do people who don't like curry manage to go on living?
                              They don't (4)
                              Breathing in and out (2)
                              Poorly (2)
                              Eating other food (2)
                              42 (1)
                              just as fine as people who do(1)
                              they must not have the proper curry glands (1)
                              Without indigestion (1)
                              They dull the pain with alcohol (1)
                              They become Finns (1)
                              Tabasco (1)
                              Who doesn't like Curry? (1)
                              thyme, rosemary and sage (1)

                              4. What was the best player-made Civ 2 scenario/mod?
                              Red Front (4)
                              no idea (3)
                              Colonies III (2)
                              Ted Striker made some civ2 mods? (1)
                              Harlan's Mongols (1)
                              Imperium Romanum (1)
                              Fav Flight's LoTR scenarios. (1)
                              the House of the Dead mod (1)
                              dinosaurs (1)
                              Zylka (1)
                              A mod with Ottok involved (1)
                              Kestrels mod for ToT (1)
                              Lord of the Rings (1)

                              5. If you crashed in the Andes with a planeload of (now dead) celebrities and no food who would you eat first?

                              Britney (4)
                              John Candy (2)
                              That hideous guy in Stefu's avatar (1)
                              Michael Jackson (1)
                              Cher. with all the preservatives in her, i'd be sure to survive. (1)
                              I would eat Ernest Borgine's heart as to gain his powers and mad method acting skillz. (1)
                              Oprah (1)
                              Too many choices, too little eating capacity (1)
                              Wesley Crusher (1)
                              Jennifer Aniston. (1)
                              Bugs Bunny (1)
                              Jennifer Lopez (1)
                              Kylie minougue (1)
                              Angelina Jolie (yum yum) (1)
                              Marlon Brando (1)

                              6. What was the silliest war in human history?
                              Gulf War II (3)
                              WWIV. After everyone thought the Americans learned their lesson and Dubya wouldn't pick his nose at Chinese summits again, well... (1)
                              The War of Jenkin's Ear (1)
                              Guatemala-Honduras Soccer War (1)
                              the war of the worlds (1)
                              WWII. Every time I saw the leader of the Nazis, it reminded me of Charlie Chaplin. How could I not laugh? (1)
                              The War on Terrorism (1)
                              The 100-Years War (1)
                              That one where Zanzibar tried to declare independance from Britain, and surrended after 40 minutes, during which time we'd put a couple of artillery shells through the royal palace. (1)
                              Zilka (1)
                              War is never "silly." (1)
                              Vietnam war (1)
                              Italian Invasion of Ethopia 1935 (1)
                              The first ever war, when one cave man tribe pissed off another because they had bigger hair (1)
                              They're all silly. But if there's a silliest one, I'd say it's the Boer War, because it has a silly name. (1)
                              Crimean War (1)
                              World War I (1)

                              7. What is the most heinous crime you have ever committed?
                              Murder (3)
                              Speeding (3)
                              Statutory Rape (2)
                              Accidentally gave the wrong directions to a tourist (1)
                              acting as a spy for the Finnish Secret Invasion Forces. Perhaps in a few years it will be regarded as worse that I actually didn't do much other than say "the Murricans are fat and lazy" like everyone already knew. (1)
                              Drug dealing (1)
                              Mp3 sharing (1)
                              Genocide (1)
                              posting here (1)
                              Drinking on Public Property (1)
                              I lied to my mother (1)
                              I have commited no crimes. Well, non that a quick bribe didn't solve anyway. (1)
                              Wearing denim on denim (1)
                              Underage Drinking (1)

                              8. What does Colon provide us all with?
                              (Belgian) Chocolate (5)
                              Excrement (5)
                              malodour (1)
                              Great heaps of confusion (1)
                              Dunno (1)
                              cocaine (1)
                              Diversity Training (1)
                              the answer to the question "is the food ok?" (1)
                              Cancer Possiblity (1)
                              A bad US Secretary of State (1)
                              an alternative to the semicolon (1)

                              9. Why is Boshko's nickname at school "Jollateacher?"
                              Jollyness (3)
                              Dunno (3)
                              Because I teach Koreans (2)
                              "Jollateacher" is Eastern slang for "teacher with head up rear" (1)
                              'Cuz he's half Spanish and half Italian. So 'Jolla' is pronounced 'joya' and it's caus-a he's-a such-a fun e happy guy. (1)
                              Because you're a homosexual (1)
                              He rogers the Spanish teacher for a grade boost (1)
                              He is evil (1)
                              Hola, Teacher (1)
                              Why not? (1)
                              because nobody knows how to pronounce 'Boshko'. (1)
                              He had an affair with the janitor (1)
                              Because of his unusual habit of beginning class with an excerpt of the Torah (1)

                              10. Where does Albert Speer's (the poster) future lie?
                              Philly (3)
                              Gay Sex (2)
                              President (of Findland) (2)
                              in the ghetto (1)
                              vh1's 'where are they now: apolyton edition (1)
                              Rewinding movies at the Rent-a-Porno center. (1)
                              Architecture (1)
                              In a van down by the river (1)
                              Forum Super Moderator (1)
                              Mugged in the gutter. (1)
                              Senate Majority Whip (1)
                              Therapy (1)
                              Aslong as its nowhere near me, i couldn;t give a damn (1)
                              At a Black Panthers convention. (1)
                              Plastics (1)
                              Stop Quoting Ben


                              • #45

                                1st Stefu (31) )TEH WINNAR!
                                2nd Shi Huangdi (29)
                                3rd Smiley (25)

                                4th Stuie (24)
                                5th Immortal Wombat (23)
                                6th loinburger and selfbiased (22)
                                8th St Leo (21)
                                9th Kassiopeia (20)
                                10th ICBM and Theben (19)
                                12th Shogun Gunner (17)
                                13th The Andy-Man and Japher (15)
                                15th aaglo and Uncle Sparky (14)
                                17th mrmitchell (13)
                                18th Wernazuma III (12)
                                19th monolith94 (10
                                Stop Quoting Ben

