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Legend of the green dragon!
When you reach level 15, then when you go to the forest you'll have the option to fight the Green Dragon. Make sure that you've bought a house and stored all of your gold/gems in it before you fight the dragon, because you'll lose all of your gold/gems on hand or in the bank. (You'll also have your debts wiped, so take out the biggest loan allowed before fighting the dragon.)<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
Good! Thanks!
Are you the one who gave me 300000$? If yea, thank you very much, very helpful! And if you can spare anymore, go right ahead!
How come I sometimes see peeps that have 9 and 10 dragon kills and they are lev 3?
Spec.-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
You get hp by either buying it from Cedric the barkeep (click 'gems' when you talk to him, and you can buy vitality potions that increase your max HP by 1 point per 2 gems), or by getting lucky at Stonehenge or at the Sacrifice altar (if you sacrifice yourself then you might get a permanent HP boost). Stonehenge and Sacrifice increase your HP by a percentage of your current max HP, so those are the fastest ways to boost HP after you've passed the 1000 HP mark or so.
You get 100 million gold either through compound interest, or by turning on Beta features (at the Eye Catching Pavilion in Status Grove) when you have a lot of hitpoints. With Beta features turned on the monsters are a lot more difficult, but they also start to drop gold proportional to your maximum HP and the number of dragon kills you've accumulated. F'rinstance, currently I have 4000 max HP and 30 DK's, and monsters drop up to 30,000 gold when I've got beta features turned on.
BTW, I sent you some more cash. I'm almost at a half-billion GP, so if anybody else wants money, now's the time to speak up.<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
I'm not sure what happens if you get a Health potion, but the HP boost from a Vitality potion is definitely permanent.
Note that the Ramius's Touch potion will permanently decrease your HP, so avoid that one if you're trying to boost HP.<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
DUDE!!! thanks for all the cash! Now if you ever get bored, Please, come kill me in my sleep!
Potion are permanent even when I get back to level 1 after I kill the dragon agian?
I hope so because I gave all my money to him for more hit points. I did buy a Golden Dragon though. I know that one is permanent.
Thanks again. I am already broke..
Spec.Last edited by Spec; December 12, 2003, 21:18.-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.