Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
Why should we trust a historian 2000 years after Christ rather than the church fathers who wrote less than 100 years after Christ? They are much closer to the time than we are.
Why should we trust a historian 2000 years after Christ rather than the church fathers who wrote less than 100 years after Christ? They are much closer to the time than we are.
Your version of early history is a bit lacking in colour. And facts.The passage inserted in Tacitus (most probably by the forger Sulpicius Severus- no one before his time, centuries later, quotes the miraculous ‘christ’ affirming passage- not even Origen. But then, Eusebius and others believed that in order to achieve a ‘greater good’ it was permissible to tell lies for god, especially to confound pagans and heretics. Plus ca change....
I’d have been much happier for instance if you had concentrated on the language used, and the supposed historical background- the fact that Nero was actually in Antium, not Rome, that there wasn’t a large community of Christians in Rome at that time (if you can prove there were, let’s see your evidence), that ‘christ’ means only a messiah, of which the Jews (and some non-jews) had had several already, and does not indicate that Tacitus was referring to a real ‘Jesus of Nazareth’. One has also to wonder- why would any of Tacitus’s intended audience immediately know who Pontius Pilate was? Why would Nero have christians burned at stakes in the middle of a conflagration, in his palace gardens which were already being used to house those people made homeless by the fires?
What we actually know about the early Romans is that they were tolerant of diverse religious practices- the image of an ‘antichrist’ Nero is a later Christian fabrication. The burning of christians is something of course that Christianity would get a lot of experience doing later. As well as burning Jews, Muslims, Cathars, Bogomils, ad infinitum.
As for persecution, well, I suggest some of you muscular Christians who feel you’re really being persecuted move to northern Nigeria, or Pakistan, or the Moluccas, where Christians are being persecuted for their faith. By devaluing a word like persecution to describe a petty law suit in New York State you do their genuine sufferings an injustice.