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  • #16
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #17
      A really, really stupid newbie with no technical aptitude cannot install Windows on his new computer and expect to get it going.

      I got the Jete from C.C. Sabathia. : Jon Miller


      • #18
        My opinion about the sentence "Linux is not ready for the desktop"

        A hacker came up to Alan, who was preparing to meditate. and asked him:

        "When will Linux be ready for the desktop?"

        Alan answered:

        "Did your mother give birth to herself?"
        This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


        • #19
          I know dozens of "newbies" that can install Windows and have it get going...

          you obviously don't have to deal with them on a daily basis at work.

          one one particular computer on our deployment, i figure the sysprep.inf file didn't get transferred... so the end user truly and deeply ****t the system by bringing her own dsl settings from home to punch into the tcp/ip settings, rather than asking for the it department to take care of it.


          • #20

            ... JohnT is trying to figure which 5-letter curseword ends in "t", but to no avail...


            • #21
              BSD on servers, Windows on desktops. Linux perhaps for clustering, but thats about it. Thats the current state of things, what OS is best different applications.

              I think the BSD kernel is superior to all, although I heard good things about linux 2.6 (as in better than 4.4BSD ). In any case, a nice, easy, good looking interface on top of the BSD kernel would def be far superior to anything .
              "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
              "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


              • #22
                ... JohnT is trying to figure which 5-letter curseword ends in "t", but to no avail...

                f**k't is proabably better.


                that said, linux is great, but it's not going to be for the non-computer literate user. period. the entire concept of separate accounts for administrator on the computer, administrator on the network, a domain user, and a local user escapes most people. administrator and user ecapes most as well. so there's a lot of *****ing about why a certain program won't install, or why they can't install one of those damned download "accelerators"...


                • #23
                  I bet that if I controlled every aspect of the world, I could get public competence with computers equivalent to current competence with tying shoes inside 100 years.

                  Originally posted by Ari Rahikkala
                  A hacker came up to Alan, who was preparing to meditate. and asked him:

                  "When will Linux be ready for the desktop?"

                  Alan answered:

                  "Did your mother give birth to herself?"
                  He's been running his own kernel patches for too long.

                  I got the Jete from C.C. Sabathia. : Jon Miller


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Fve Crathva
                    I bet that if I controlled every aspect of the world, I could get public competence with computers equivalent to current competence with tying shoes inside 100 years.
                    I could do it in two, maybe three years. Although that would probably involve significantly more death.
                    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Urban Ranger

                      Exactly the same thing will happen wrt Windows. No doubt about it. A newbie simply cannot install Windows on his new computer and expect to get it going.
                      Umm...I can
                      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Urban Ranger

                        Exactly the same thing will happen wrt Windows. No doubt about it. A newbie simply cannot install Windows on his new computer and expect to get it going.
                        You don't have to. It comes installed, and has a nice, easy setup wizard when you first turn on the computer (XP Home that is, which unfortunately I have).


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by JohnT

                          ... JohnT is trying to figure which 5-letter curseword ends in "t", but to no avail...

                          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                          • #28
                            OS pride is ghey
                            "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
                            'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


                            • #29
                              if you think a newbie can't install windows, what makes you think a newbie can install *nix?

                              even with anaconda?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by skywalker
                                You don't have to. It comes installed, and has a nice, easy setup wizard when you first turn on the computer (XP Home that is, which unfortunately I have).
                                And so Alan asks that same question again.
                                This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand

