Originally posted by The Vagabond
I believe the key feature of fascism, yet not mentioned in this thread, consists in imposing a kind of biological selection upon the society
I believe the key feature of fascism, yet not mentioned in this thread, consists in imposing a kind of biological selection upon the society
Nationalism is a feeling or sentiment by a particular set of people who feel have a common bond because of language, history, land, and/or religion. Note that all nationalisms do not share all these in common. For example, Swiss nationalism has three languages. The South Slavs are split into three nations: Croatia, Serbia, and a very new one called Bosnian. The Arab nation has about 19 states.
All nationalisms are invented, since, prior to the 18th Century, most people were very parochial. In order to unify "the nation," many countries began public schoolnig, generally teaching the dialect of the language found in the capital. Traditions were "rediscovered (invented) or taken from one location and generallized across the nation, such as holiday celibrations, and so on. The first people to discuss nationalism in and of itself were Germans (why doesn't that surprise you?): Fichte and Schiller (iirc).
I would highly recommend Gellner and Anderson if you really want to understand nationalism. There is also an economic aspect which I have declined to mention.
Fascism on the other hand is a mass movement. Specifically it is the mass movement of the enraged middle class, declass&eaccute; workers, and the lumpen proletariat at their economic ruination. Generally this movement looks for a scapegoat for their problems: the Jews, the Communists, labor unions, foreigners. It is extremely nationalist in character (which is why Italy was not friendly with Germany at first).
The hyper-nationalism of fascism differs from normal nationalism in that: other nations are inferior to your nation; the individual is nothing without the nation, the nation is everything, you are to the nation as a cell is to the body; the nation is embodied in a single living person (the Leader or Emperor as opposed to Uncle Sam or John Bull); the nation assumes the aspect of a religious devotion.