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Hot new sexy speakers I ordered

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  • #16
    Can you string one of the speakers to your neighbor's house and talk through it?


    • #17
      Originally posted by -Jrabbit
      I hope you had something other than corporate literature to convince you to buy these, Fez. I'm a firm believer that in audio -- especially speakers -- you should purchased based on listening tests. Specs tell virtually none of the story. The output power -- 15W/ch, plus 60W for the sub -- is pretty pathetic. But don't worry, that spec is actually pretty meaningless. What you want is wide frequency-range with great linearity. Something you can't get in this price range.

      But if it's sexy looks you're after in a speaker...
      Oh, wait. They're butt-ugly, too.

      The wattage is 135 watts RMS, by far more than anything I had in the past. So I don't think so. And all the reviews said great things about these speakers. So before you say something absolutely stupid, I suggest you think for a second.

      Pekka, that is just gross... and I thought I had a bad mind.
      For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


      • #18
        Originally posted by Fez

        The wattage is 135 watts RMS, by far more than anything I had in the past. So I don't think so. And all the reviews said great things about these speakers. So before you say something absolutely stupid, I suggest you think for a second.
        Stupid? Hardly.

        1. As I stated, specs are no way to judge speakers. Especially power.

        2. I'm guessing that, in the past, you had standard stereo, where power specs are generally rated per channel RMS. In surround, the industry has moved to "system output" which is easier to state and, not coincidentally, looks more imipressive on paper.

        3. Here's the actual power specs of your new speakers, as posted online by the manufacturer...
        5 channels x 15 Watts = 75 Watts (center, front L/R, rear L/R)
        1 channel x 60 Watts = 60 Watts (subwoofer)
        System total = 75 + 60 = 135 Watts RMS.

        So what you have (in terms of volume potential) is the equivalent of a 62.6 Watts RMS/channel stereo. Nothing wrong with that, Fez. Just the facts.

        4. Personally, I'd be a little concerned that your subwoofer only extends down to 40 Hz, and your satellites only to 100Hz. These specs (which are often, um, liberally defined) indicate that you're not going to have really impressive bass response.

        5. Re "far more power" than anything you've had -- Please note that this function is logarhythmic in nature. That is, to double the power of the system, you need to increase the wattage by a factor of 10. Yes, that means it takes a 1,000 Watt system to double the output power of a 100 Watt system.

        Back to your system's power ratings -- In typical specs, these would refer to the power handling ability of the speakers. The actual system power is defined by the power output of your amplifier(s). These appear to be self-powered speakers, where the system plugs into an AC wall outlet. (Odd that this is never actually stated in their online literature; "self-powered" is a popular buzzword.) Presumably, this means the little amp that lives within each enclosure is well-matched to the characteristecs of the speaker they're powering.

        Fez, I'm not trying to rag you or your choice. (Well, maybe a little. ) But I've been in the pro audio industry for many years and don't like to see misconceptions (like "more power = better quality" and "louder = better") continually foisted on the public.

        Glad to hear there are positive reviews. That's great news.

        Just as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," good sound is "in the ear of the behearer."
        I really do hope you're very happy with your new system.
        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


        • #19
          Jrabbit is right... more power does not mean better quality. I've had a lot of experience in car audio. I'm not saying anything about your purchase Fez. They look like good speakers.

          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #20
            Do you have a nice soundcard for these speakers, Fez?
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • #21
              fez, you wanna trade speakers? i've only got dinky ones that attach to the monitor...

              it's a fair trade...


              • #22
                Pretty sweet. I got a pair of Kef q15.2's at 100W RMS.
                "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                • #23
                  Sexy? Urgh. I hope you're taste in men is better than your love for oil barrel-esque speakers.
                  Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
                  -Richard Dawkins


                  • #24
                    Those are awful, ugly looking speakers! What possessed you to buy speakers that look like oil barrels?!?!
                    'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
                    G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


                    • #25
                      See, Diplomat knows what I'm talking about.
                      Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
                      -Richard Dawkins


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by -Jrabbit

                        Stupid? Hardly.

                        1. As I stated, specs are no way to judge speakers. Especially power.

                        2. I'm guessing that, in the past, you had standard stereo, where power specs are generally rated per channel RMS. In surround, the industry has moved to "system output" which is easier to state and, not coincidentally, looks more imipressive on paper.

                        3. Here's the actual power specs of your new speakers, as posted online by the manufacturer...
                        5 channels x 15 Watts = 75 Watts (center, front L/R, rear L/R)
                        1 channel x 60 Watts = 60 Watts (subwoofer)
                        System total = 75 + 60 = 135 Watts RMS.

                        So what you have (in terms of volume potential) is the equivalent of a 62.6 Watts RMS/channel stereo. Nothing wrong with that, Fez. Just the facts.

                        4. Personally, I'd be a little concerned that your subwoofer only extends down to 40 Hz, and your satellites only to 100Hz. These specs (which are often, um, liberally defined) indicate that you're not going to have really impressive bass response.

                        5. Re "far more power" than anything you've had -- Please note that this function is logarhythmic in nature. That is, to double the power of the system, you need to increase the wattage by a factor of 10. Yes, that means it takes a 1,000 Watt system to double the output power of a 100 Watt system.

                        Back to your system's power ratings -- In typical specs, these would refer to the power handling ability of the speakers. The actual system power is defined by the power output of your amplifier(s). These appear to be self-powered speakers, where the system plugs into an AC wall outlet. (Odd that this is never actually stated in their online literature; "self-powered" is a popular buzzword.) Presumably, this means the little amp that lives within each enclosure is well-matched to the characteristecs of the speaker they're powering.

                        Fez, I'm not trying to rag you or your choice. (Well, maybe a little. ) But I've been in the pro audio industry for many years and don't like to see misconceptions (like "more power = better quality" and "louder = better") continually foisted on the public.

                        Glad to hear there are positive reviews. That's great news.

                        Just as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," good sound is "in the ear of the behearer."
                        I really do hope you're very happy with your new system.
                        I don't get ripped off. I did a lot of ****ing research. I mean literally I was on the computer for an hour or two looking through reviews of all different speakers in that price range. These speakers were originally priced at $199.

                        I am not an idiot in this field.

                        I also don't run an music studio or something so quite frankly I don't need ANYTHING TOP OF THE LINE.
                        For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Starchild
                          Sexy? Urgh. I hope you're taste in men is better than your love for oil barrel-esque speakers.
                          I am a capitalist... so oil barrel-esque speakers it is. Considering my dad used to work for haliburton.. but that is another issue entirely... back to the topic...

                          And you'll hopefully see a picture of me and my date soon. Yeah I got a date for friday...
                          For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                          • #28
                            The topic being your atrocious taste in home furnishings? Honestly honey, we're trying to keep up an image here of gay men being the source of all fashion and design. If they ever knew that half the time we wear old sweaters and jeans, drank instant coffee cause it's too much work to grind the beans, and watched the TV while eating pizza, we'd be ruined. The entire gay establishment rests on the one half-truth that we're two steps ahead of the curve. So return those oil barrels, get something with some curves in it, and play your part! Oh I'm going to withdraw your membership of the gay club!
                            Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
                            -Richard Dawkins


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Starchild
                              The topic being your atrocious taste in home furnishings? Honestly honey, we're trying to keep up an image here of gay men being the source of all fashion and design.
                              I am not following any gay stereotypes. Being a capitalist, I will follow those stereotypes.

                              If they ever knew that half the time we wear old sweaters and jeans, drank instant coffee cause it's too much work to grind the beans, and watched the TV while eating pizza, we'd be ruined.
                              Not every gay guy is like those on "Queer for the Straight Guy"... a show I am interested in.

                              So return those oil barrels, get something with some curves in it, and play your part!
                              Seriously I need something that will be effective... and those speakers were the most attractive in that price range... I am not returning anything. My room is pretty organized as is, but nonetheless I am not returning those speakers.

                              Oh I'm going to withdraw your membership of the gay club!
                              Okay did you sign me up for something I didn't know about?

                              Look, Starchild... you can't impose fashion or style statements onto me. I am not a typical gay guy. I am just an average ordinary guy who wants to hear AK-47 fire coming from Vietcong as I blast commies away... and these speakers will accomplish that from what I have been reading.
                              For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Fez

                                I don't get ripped off. I did a lot of ****ing research. I mean literally I was on the computer for an hour or two looking through reviews of all different speakers in that price range. These speakers were originally priced at $199.

                                I am not an idiot in this field.

                                I also don't run an music studio or something so quite frankly I don't need ANYTHING TOP OF THE LINE.
                                Chill, dude. It's cool.

                                I tried to make nice and wished you well with your purchase. No need to be so defensive.
                                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

