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I want to change part of my diet.

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  • #46
    Here is some more jibber jabber for you guys on aminos and protein. Perhaps an easier explanation on a difficult topic.
    Foods that contain a balanced combination of all the essential and nonessential amino acids in the exact amounts required by the body for growth are called "complete proteins." In order for the body to synthesize muscle, all the essential amino acids must be available simultaneously. Any non-essential amino acids that are in short supply can be produced by the liver, but if an essential amino acid is missing, the body must break down its own proteins to obtain it. To prevent muscle cell breakdown, dietary protein must supply all the essential amino acids. If your diet is missing any essential amino acids, protein synthesis will be inhibited.

    Carbohydrates have a storage depot in the body called glycogen. Glycogen can be stored in the muscles and liver and then drawn upon hours or even days later when it is needed. Proteins cannot be stored in the body. There is only a very small and transient amino acid pool in the bloodstream. To maintain the optimal environment for muscle growth (positive nitrogen balance), complete proteins must be eaten with every meal.
    The smallest units of a protein are called amino acids. Like bricks in a wall, amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Just as glycogen is formed from the linkage of numerous glucose molecules, proteins are formed from the joining of numerous amino acids. There are 20 amino acids that are required for growth by the human body. From these 20 amino acids, there are tens of thousands of different protein molecules that can be formed. Each protein is assembled from the bonding of different amino acids into various configurations. Growth hormone, for example, is a protein chain of 156 amino acids.

    "Amino acids are somewhat like letters in the alphabet. If you had only the letter G, all you could write would be a string of Gs: G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G. But with 20 different letters available, you could create poems, songs, or novels. The 20 amino acids can be linked together in an even greater variety of sequences than are possible for letters in a word or words in a sentence. The variety of possible sequences for polypeptide chains is tremendous." -Eleanor Whitney and Sharon Rolfes, "Understanding Nutrition."
    Protein isn't just found in meat, eggs and milk. There is also protein in vegetables, beans, legumes, and grains. However, the protein in these foods is not considered "complete" because it lacks one or more of the essential amino acids. Generally speaking, proteins from vegetable sources are lower in quality. The complete proteins are those that come from animal sources such as eggs, milk and meat.

    Many grains and legumes contain substantial amounts of protein, but none provide the full array of essential amino acids. Beans, for example, are high in protein , however, they are missing the essential amino acid Methionine. Similarly, grains are lacking the essential amino acid Lysine. It has been frequently pointed out that combining two incomplete sources of vegetable protein such as rice and beans provides you with the full complement of essential amino acids.


    • #47
      Osweld I am glad to hear you are a healthy vegan, as much as I am not for that, I am always glad to see anyone make a decision based on their health and hopefully not just on a hatred of animal death.
      So did you lose any weight in 2 years? Gain any muscle? Skin color change? Do you find your cravings have changed? Do you use more salt? I am always looking for real world info so fill me in, ummm whoops better not say that around Mr. Fun

      Hey Mr. Fun do you still live in Iowa? If you get to Madison,WI, go to the big health food store right before the UW campus starts, you will be able to get quinoa there for sure!!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by MrFun

        The problem is though, I tried soybean burgers from the frozen grocery section once, and I HATED the taste of them. Yes -- I DID take them home first, and cooked them before eating them -- smartasses.

        So I guess I want to know -- can soybeans actually be tasteful if prepared in different ways??
        I think so. My usual intake is from chocolate soy milk

        You do have to be creative with soybean foods, such as tofu. Tofu is relatively tastless in its "natural" form, but easilly soaks up the flavors of anything that you put it in. It works really well in soups for example.

        Search around, I'm sure that you can find numerous recipes that will suit you tastes.


        • #49
          Originally posted by vlad
          Osweld I am glad to hear you are a healthy vegan, as much as I am not for that, I am always glad to see anyone make a decision based on their health and hopefully not just on a hatred of animal death.
          So did you lose any weight in 2 years? Gain any muscle? Skin color change? Do you find your cravings have changed? Do you use more salt? I am always looking for real world info so fill me in, ummm whoops better not say that around Mr. Fun
          First, I'm not vegan, I'm vegetarian (But I do eat only a fraction of the dairy I used to, and going vegan is one of my long term goals) and I didn't make the switch for health reasons, nor 'for a hatred of animal death'. I made the switch due to a wide range of ethical and political beliefs. I've lost alot of weight. I haven't kept track of how much, but none of my clothes fit anymore and I've started using a belt for the first time in my life. But I'm not all skin and bones - I've still got some meat on me and a visible stomach. I don't know about muscles, I'm not a very athletic person in the first place, but I do seem to be more energenic and less lazy then i used to be. I don't use more salt, although now that you mention it, I do get the ocasional salt craving every now and then. And my skin is as pale as it's ever been.
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #50
            Originally posted by vlad
            Bread and water is a common prisoner issue meal, all carbs no protein, sorry if you felt it was a bad example.
            Since it's a strawman, yes, it's a bad example. That's like saying you're full of **** because anyone knows that eating nothing but butter all day will kill you.
            Last edited by chequita guevara; October 22, 2003, 20:14.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #51
              Originally posted by chegitz guevara

              Since it's a trawman, yes, it's a bad example. That's like saying you're full of **** because anyone knows that eating nothing but butter all day will kill you.
              Actually Che if you ate nothing but butter you would not die. The gas would be awful, but you would live better than a diet of chips


              • #52
                How does vlad manage to politicize a topic like daily nutrition??
                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by MrFun
                  How does vlad manage to politicize a topic like daily nutrition??
                  Yes how does he manage to do that? Hmmm Vlad and politics is like Peanut butter and ham, both tasty subjetcs, but seldom talked about as a combination


                  • #54
                    um . . .

                    okaaaaay . . .

                    everyone slowly step away from vlad before they get hurt.
                    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

