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far right, anti-immigrant party wins elections in Switzerland

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  • far right, anti-immigrant party wins elections in Switzerland

    I cannot say I am surprised, really. That's what the "cultural mosaic" policy got you. people don't like the fact that any immigrants behave differently, and don't want to change their habits to the habits of the new country, and they end up voting for the racist far right.


  • #2
    Whooops, could the mods move it to the Off-topic, please?


    • #3
      N00b! Let's haze him for not following forum policy!
      "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

      Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


      • #4
        Originally posted by Azazel
        Whooops, could the mods move it to the Off-topic, please?
        No problem -- done.

        Dan; Apolyton CS
        PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
        >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


        • #5
          I don't think these policies are necissarially racist. The thing people are pissed off about isn't that the immigrants are of a different race they are angry that they come to a new country (in this case Switzerland) and don't bother to speak the local language or attempt to culturally blend in with their new countrymen.

          If I moved to France then I feel the French have every right to want me to speak French and to dress like a Frenchman because I am in their country. If someone were to come to my country then I would expect them to learn English and behaive in a manner acceptable to the prevailing culture. This idea that all cultures are equal and no society is better then another is just a plain lie because in every way we can measure things some societies really do provide better protections and opportunities then others. We should be promoting those cultural elements which have proven successful in the past and eliminating those cultural elements which have been such absolute failures.
          Last edited by Dinner; October 20, 2003, 11:06.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            I bet they'll push Switzerland to start having a policy of neutrality now.
            "I read a book twice as fast as anybody else. First, I read the beginning, and then I read the ending, and then I start in the middle and read toward whatever end I like best." - Gracie Allen


            • #7
              I don't think these policies are necissarially racist. The thing people are pissed off about isn't that the immigrants are of a different race they are angry that they come to a new country (in this case Switzerland) and don't bother to speak the local language or attempt to culturally blend in with their new countrymen.

              I know that. I also think that this is the reason they voted for it. However, I wonder if the party that was chose is of such views, or is just racist. I wonder if someone knows about stuff like this in Swiss politics.


              • #8
                Oh great. They're into holocaust denial too.
                The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                • #9
                  Of cource, with all that nazi gold shipped to swtizerland, there's a reason to be in denial of the holocaust.

                  No not really, morons.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Azazel
                    I know that. I also think that this is the reason they voted for it. However, I wonder if the party that was chose is of such views, or is just racist. I wonder if someone knows about stuff like this in Swiss politics.
                    Ok. This party is not against immigrants, but against people abusing the "right for asylum". The UDC/SVP party say that a lot of the asylum seekers coming to Switzerland do it to abuse our system (drugs dealers, stealers,...). True and false.

                    Nearly 100% of the drug dealers (heroin, weed, cocain) are asylum seekers, but only 5% of the asylum seekers are into criminality...

                    I'm not with'em on this one as I think that:
                    - There will always be drug traffic, it's about the bid, not the offer
                    - Those people are not allowed to work, and they only get CHF 5/day (the price of a pack of cigarettes).

                    They want to introduce a law saying that if an asylum seeker arrive in Switzerland from a "secure" country (Italy, France, Germany, or Austria), he shouln't be allowed to enter our territory. BS.
                    We have enough money to give these people a shelter.
                    I personnally would allow them to work, and, after some time, to stay in our country.

                    They also are against Europe. They say we should keep our neutrality, which is right. We have the highest living standards of Europe, if not the world, why should we enter this non-democratic, non-federal, over-bureaucratic thing?

                    They also defend the farmers (UDC is a former peasant party). They say that we should keep the subventions, blah blah blah.. Against this one for obvious reasons.

                    Anyway, nor UDC, nor Switzerland are racists. There is 19% of foreigners in our country and it has never been an issue (unlike France for example).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lazarus and the Gimp
                      Oh great. They're into holocaust denial too.
                      Holocaust Denial


                      • #12
                        It is only common decency that one would behave as a guest in another country and culture. Diversity is not a problem but trying to take over a culture is. I intend to immigrate to Thailand someday. I am learning the language and the culture so as not to offend the Thai people. I don't know the specifics of the case in question in Switzerland but a nation cannot allow itself to be destroyed by her guests.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Lincoln
                          It is only common decency that one would behave as a guest in another country and culture. Diversity is not a problem but trying to take over a culture is. I intend to immigrate to Thailand someday. I am learning the language and the culture so as not to offend the Thai people. I don't know the specifics of the case in question in Switzerland but a nation cannot allow itself to be destroyed by her guests.
                          Nobody's destroying our country. Our country has been built by foreigners. Our culture is made of the French, German, Italian cultures.
                          This is populism. They speak about these ideas only to win stupid people's voices. We're under 3% unemployement. The average salary in Switzerland is CHF 5500 ($ 3500), our country is secure, almost heaven.


                          • #14
                            Well you are talking about immigration from European countries then. What do you think when some cultures demand that certain laws be inacted to protect their religion and culture (eg. dress codes, mandantory holy days, etc.)?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lincoln
                              Well you are talking about immigration from European countries then. What do you think when some cultures demand that certain laws be inacted to protect their religion and culture (eg. dress codes, mandantory holy days, etc.)?
                              In our country, religion has nothing to do with politics. Laic country. Our politicians never talk about religion, and they never refer to christianism or any other religion. The "God bless Switzerland" a la Bush do not exist here. + other cultures are respected & considered as enriching by most of us.

