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Is profit different from unfair tax?

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  • Originally posted by Kidicious

    You are losing your grip. Fact: there was a shortage.
    So? There was a shortage, then a surplus, then an equilibrium.

    It will always be that way. You know what the big job was in the west around the turn of the century? Mechanics and electricians to work on all that new-fangled mining equipment. You could make in a day what a regular miner made in a week. Why? Because before that equipment was invented and first used, there were no trained electricians and mechanics to work on stuff that didn't yet exist. Go figure.

    How many jet engine mechanics do you think there were in the 1930's?

    You can't "create qualified workers" in advance of a new technology.
    When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


    • Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat

      Ok, now we're at least getting somewhere. FYI, for a very good portion of my working life, I've had no means to own. For some time, that was due to low wages/skills. For some of that time, it was due to housing prices and the combination of where I worked and where I wanted to live or was willing to settle for living.

      There is no surplus of housing available here, or where you are, because there are limits to infrastructure, land use limits, and a large number of people migrating in. There is housing available in other places, and there's also alternative means to own a house, if that's really a priority. Repos are one, but depending exactly where you are, another alternative is to out a ways into the boonies and buy a small chunk of bare land, and build yourself. Yeah, it means a lot of lost weekends, and working extra hours and having less fun, and it competes for other things you might want to do, and you'd have to learn a lot of construction and design skills, or rely on advice for others, but people can (and do) do it. You most likely won't get the optimum house of your dreams, but then again, you might be able to sell it at a profit, put that money into a better version, and repeat the cycle. Who knows, maybe there's really a capitalist land raper yearning to breathe free under that commie exterior.

      The point is that there are a lot of alternatives in time, location, and manner if owning a house is what you really want to do.

      Blaming "the system" and waiting for somone to subsidize labor and material costs to give you what you want ain't gonna get you there, though - you can bet on that.
      Don't blame the individuals. The system is responsible for providing the goods and services for the individuals. If it can't do that it's not worth a ****. The fact is that capitalism doesn't provide enough housing. Blame it, not the individuals.
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • Originally posted by Arrian

        You oversimplify your response such that it has almost no meaning.

        First, the definition of "work" -

        Based on our discussions in this and other threads, you do not seem to consider invention and/or thinking of great ideas to be "work." Only actual manual labor seems to count. That is something I find silly.
        And you think that paying someone to invent something is work too. So yes we disagree.
        Originally posted by Arrian
        Second, the quanitification (is that really a word? ) of "work" -

        As has been pointed out, different people have different skills, strengths/weaknesses, etc. Two people might be equally valueable in your eyes but not in mine and vice-versa, because you might value certain things more than I do, and vice-versa.

        Is a guy who sits at the info desk in a library for 8 hours working as hard as a guy who spends 8 hours working at a construction site? I honestly don't know - because I don't know enough about each job, and I don't care to take the time to find out just how much each person had to do and how "hard" it was. So who worked harder? I don't friggin' know. Apparently, you think you can determine the "answer."

        So "a day's wage for a day's work" may sound good, it's ultimately useless.

        Why can't the construction worker and the service worker trade off sometimes. Maybe young people can to the harder jobs. Then when they get older they can do easier work?
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
          So? There was a shortage, then a surplus, then an equilibrium.
          There is never an equilibrium. That is a farse. If there were such a thing as an equilibrium there would never be a shortage or a surplus. There is no force in nature which creates an equilibrium. It's the biggest load of crap ever. Maybe in the financial markets, but not in the real world. Certainly not the labor market, which is by far the only significant market in the economy.
          Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
          It will always be that way. You know what the big job was in the west around the turn of the century? Mechanics and electricians to work on all that new-fangled mining equipment. You could make in a day what a regular miner made in a week. Why? Because before that equipment was invented and first used, there were no trained electricians and mechanics to work on stuff that didn't yet exist. Go figure.

          How many jet engine mechanics do you think there were in the 1930's?

          You can't "create qualified workers" in advance of a new technology.
          You can never create the optimum number of workers when everyone is free to get the training for the job they desire. I chose to get training in accounting. I'm not aware at all of how many people have made that same choice. Therefore there is no price mechanism at work at all. There is never an equilibrium.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • Originally posted by Kidicious
            You have one class of people. Everyone makes about the same amount of income. So no one has an interest in a minority getting an unfair advantage.
            And you immediately progress towards being a third world country, because everyone with financial or intellectual capital will either say "**** you" and leave, a la Arrian, or else grab their guns and head for the hills.

            If you take people with superior skills and work ethics, and tell them "no matter what you do, you will be essentially paid and treated the same as the slow wobble shufflin' water cooler leanin' slacker, then people have no incentive. I get treated the same, **** it, I work the same.

            You make the govt responsible for making sure there is a job for everyone. Right now the govt is not bound to create jobs for everyone. This is ridiculous.
            Ok, you carry this load of rocks over there. And you, take each rock when it arrives over there, and carry it back here. Or else, "you - **** up who ve can't place anyvere else. You are now 335th Deputy Junior Senior Associate Assistant 13th Comrade Minister for Planning. Ve should have desk and chair for you next year, but new office space isn't planned until 2133, so you vill vork on ze roof."

            You can't "create jobs" on a sustainable basis unless the product of those jobs has "value" as determined by people who want to use whatever is created.

            How can individuals be responsible for themselves when they have no means to do so.
            Hundreds of millions have the means to do so. You're just making excuses out of thin air. I guess nobody's responsible for anything in their lives unless everything's handed to them on a platter.

            Right now the govt only creates enough jobs for people when it can afford to do so. If it can't create the jobs it needs to move a side and a new govt needs to be put in place that can do that.
            It's not the government's busines to provide jobs.

            Capitalism can not be justified when there aren't enough jobs for every worker and the majority of the jobs that there are don't pay a living wage.
            Well then, people need to control their birth rates and make an effort to acquire real skills.
            When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


            • "Therefore there is no price mechanism at work at all."

              It's called salaries.

              You see, it's because of real-world disconnects like this that I find it near impossible to sustain any sort of dialogue here. Hell, not only are we talking about different viewpoints, I think that your definitions and my definitions are so far out of whack that we would literally be talking past each other.

              I mean, how do you argue with a guy who thinks that rent is exploitative, and then argues against the most successful means of individual homeownership devised by mankind - the use of long-term mortgages? You can't tell him to buy a house, cause he thinks he's being exploited by doing so, but you can't tell him to rent because he thinks he's being equally exploited by doing so.


              • Originally posted by Kidicious

                Don't blame the individuals. The system is responsible for providing the goods and services for the individuals. If it can't do that it's not worth a ****. The fact is that capitalism doesn't provide enough housing. Blame it, not the individuals.
                There is no "system." That's a bunch of free love hippie horse**** from the 60's. SDS is gone, dude, time to move on.

                Since this is your answer to my post, apparently what you're saying is that if it isn't handed to you in the way you want, you're not willing to make extraordinary and alternative efforts to achieve what you want. That's not a failure of capitalism, my friend. It ain't Miller time, it's mirror time.
                When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                • Yeah, great incentive to spend many hard years learning to be a doctor just to be paid like a garbage man. Oppppss, in chicago these days, that's true.

                  Point to any country that has tried Communism that there wasn't a privleged class. Point to any country that has tried Communism where the state/government actually "withered away".

                  The only circumstances were communism was even remotely succesful was in tiny comune type settings where motivation was gotten from being respected by your peers. This will only work when you know everyone. Not practical for any large sized community.
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Originally posted by Kidicious

                    And you think that paying someone to invent something is work too. So yes we disagree.
                    If Thomas Edison, Gutenberg, et al (and all their potential contemporary and future competitors) had never been support financially by one means or another in their efforts, we'd still be working in pen and ink, on paper, and courieriing information by foot and horseback.

                    Maybe if you had the creativity and determination to try to invent something, you'd understand that all those hours committed and material committed in trying to get to the desired result were in fact, work.

                    Why can't the construction worker and the service worker trade off sometimes. Maybe young people can to the harder jobs. Then when they get older they can do easier work?
                    Assuming people have the requisite skills, they can. I've known people who've held different types of jobs, haven't you?

                    I started out in construction labor, and a bunch of other menial, physical, **** jobs.
                    When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                    • Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                      And you immediately progress towards being a third world country, because everyone with financial or intellectual capital will either say "**** you" and leave, a la Arrian, or else grab their guns and head for the hills.

                      If you take people with superior skills and work ethics, and tell them "no matter what you do, you will be essentially paid and treated the same as the slow wobble shufflin' water cooler leanin' slacker, then people have no incentive. I get treated the same, **** it, I work the same.
                      Only world communism works.
                      Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                      Ok, you carry this load of rocks over there. And you, take each rock when it arrives over there, and carry it back here. Or else, "you - **** up who ve can't place anyvere else. You are now 335th Deputy Junior Senior Associate Assistant 13th Comrade Minister for Planning. Ve should have desk and chair for you next year, but new office space isn't planned until 2133, so you vill vork on ze roof."

                      You can't "create jobs" on a sustainable basis unless the product of those jobs has "value" as determined by people who want to use whatever is created.
                      Sure you can. You just reduce the work week. Then you determine were the shortages are and proceed accordingly. Capitalism seems incapable of doing this. Probably because of the class system.
                      Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                      Hundreds of millions have the means to do so. You're just making excuses out of thin air. I guess nobody's responsible for anything in their lives unless everything's handed to them on a platter.
                      What good is it to blame the individuals as a whole. The system must benefit the individuals. If it fails a new system is needed. You like to blame the individuals but not change the system. If the system fails it needs to be replaced. It's simple.
                      Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                      It's not the government's busines to provide jobs.
                      How can a govt justify it's existance when it is based on individual initiative but there aren't enough opportunities for individuals. This doesn't seem strange to you?
                      Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                      Well then, people need to control their birth rates and make an effort to acquire real skills.
                      You're missing the point. I could acquire a 'real' skill, but that skill may not be worth **** after I get my training. I have no control over that.
                      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                      • Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat

                        There is no "system."
                        Nonsense. This maybe your problem.
                        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                        • Originally posted by JohnT
                          "Therefore there is no price mechanism at work at all."

                          It's called salaries.
                          Yes higher salaries attract workers, but how many workers. My point is that the 'price mechanism' does not create a equilibrium, and there is no way that it can.
                          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                          • Originally posted by Kidicious

                            There is never an equilibrium. That is a farse. If there were such a thing as an equilibrium there would never be a shortage or a surplus. There is no force in nature which creates an equilibrium. It's the biggest load of crap ever. Maybe in the financial markets, but not in the real world. Certainly not the labor market, which is by far the only significant market in the economy.
                            Equilibrium is not necessarily static across all times.

                            You can never create the optimum number of workers when everyone is free to get the training for the job they desire. I chose to get training in accounting. I'm not aware at all of how many people have made that same choice. Therefore there is no price mechanism at work at all. There is never an equilibrium.
                            And why did you choose to get that training, instead of working at the front desk of a movie theater or flipping fries for Mickey D's or going to med school?

                            Did you make that choice in an absolute vacuum about how much different professions got paid, or about what you had to do to become a CPA, or do whatever it is you've chosen to do in accounting?

                            I don't know how many people there are trying to do either of the things I'm doing, either. I know in the one case how much my clients are willing to pay for my time, and in the other, that there is nothing in industry literature, conferences, etc. at all about any actual or planned product that is competitive with my software product. It doesn't matter whether I know that or not. In the one case, it matters if my clients are willing to pay what I want. In the other, it matters if I'm first to market, at a price that delivers visible net benefits to my potential customers, or if I'm not first to market, but deliver superior price/benefit compared with whatever competitor would theoretically emerge.
                            When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                            • Originally posted by rah
                              Yeah, great incentive to spend many hard years learning to be a doctor just to be paid like a garbage man. Oppppss, in chicago these days, that's true.
                              You guys really don't think things through well. Of course people will not train to be doctors unless they are compensated for doing so. It's really not the problem that you guys are making it out to be.
                              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                              • Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                                And why did you choose to get that training, instead of working at the front desk of a movie theater or flipping fries for Mickey D's or going to med school?

                                Did you make that choice in an absolute vacuum about how much different professions got paid, or about what you had to do to become a CPA, or do whatever it is you've chosen to do in accounting?

                                I don't know how many people there are trying to do either of the things I'm doing, either. I know in the one case how much my clients are willing to pay for my time, and in the other, that there is nothing in industry literature, conferences, etc. at all about any actual or planned product that is competitive with my software product. It doesn't matter whether I know that or not. In the one case, it matters if my clients are willing to pay what I want. In the other, it matters if I'm first to market, at a price that delivers visible net benefits to my potential customers, or if I'm not first to market, but deliver superior price/benefit compared with whatever competitor would theoretically emerge.
                                You're an evil super genious

                                I have to study for a damn test.
                                I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                                - Justice Brett Kavanaugh

