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Rush Limbaugh in Rehab

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Oerdin

    Yeah, this is basically the exact same thing which happened to Kennedy except Kennedy got the Presidential Doctor to keep him supplied.
    Not everything. Especially not the crack/cocaine.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ned
      Ah, the cruelty of the left on display.
      Ah, yes, when the right pokes fun at people who can't defend themselves, it's "entertainment", but when the left pokes fun at someone who is getting his own medicine, it's "cruel".

      You're such a ****ing hypocrite, Ned.
      I'm consitently stupid- Japher
      I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


      • #18
        I'm reserving judgement on Rush until I know if he rats out his suppliers. If he does that, he has absolutely NO honor. Given his hypocrisy over the past few years, I seriously doubt "honor" is in his vocabluary, but anything is possible.

        However, the hypocrisy coming from his apologists knows no bounds (no wonder they like Rush). Brent Bozell says it was admirable for Rush to come clean. WHAT? He didn't come clean, he admitted his addiction AFTER others made it public. Matt Drudge said, "Rush didn't say he didn't swallow", a reference to Clinton's, "I didn't inhale" - another "he came clean" rationalisation. Oh poor Rush deserves our sympathy, but not all you other people out there using drugs! No, you people need to be put in cages because you're immoral criminals!!!

        Ned -
        Ah, the cruelty of the left on display.
        Cruelty? Ned, Limbaugh has advocated imprisoning drug users for years even while he was violating the drug laws. His hypocrisy gets exposed and the left is cruel? He wants people jailed for doing what he has been doing, but now people who agree with him have found a heart for Rush while wanting millions of people thrown in cages for doing the same thing? Tell the millions of people arrested for drugs about cruelty!

        Clem -
        He's had fun ripping people for medical marijuana use. What a bloated gasbag.
        Yup, read it and weep "dittoheads", your hero is a hypocrite.

        Verto -
        It is for back surgery that went wrong, and which resulted in near constant pain
        So what? He's a "criminal" just like all the other people who use illegal drugs. And maybe Rush and his supporters don't want to face this reality, but many people who develop addictions do so because they were using drugs to relieve pain too, either physical or emotional.

        Asleep -
        Hypocrite, yes he is, but everybody is a hypocrite in one way or another.
        Rush's hypocrisy is not your garden variety hypocrisy, his hypocrisy is the kind Jesus condemned in the Bible. His is like the adulterer condemning another adulterer to death... You know the adage, "judge not lest you be judged".


        • #19
          Oh yeah, Rush said "I am not a victim". That's right Rush, according to what you've been advocating, you are a CRIMINAL!

          But inspite of what Rush said, many "conservatives" are portraying him as a victim anyway. A victim of "drug pushers" who "pushed" drugs onto him... Blah blah blah, Rush sought drugs out, not the other way around... Now we get to see how "conservatives" coddle criminals...


          • #20
            Limbaugh gets to humble himself before his hundreds of thousands of listeners after being outed as the suspect of a drug investigation by a tabloid. Then, with the fair warning from the tabloids, he checks into a (likely) high-cost rehab center for thirty days, taking (paid?) leave from his popular radio program.

            Most addicts wouldn't learn of an investigation until a detective showed up at their door with an arrest warrant, and then they'd be going to prison without treatment for the next five, ten, or fifteen years. They wouldn't even have the chance to go to rehab ahead of an arrest and, unlike Limbaugh, wouldn't be able to point at that treatment as a reason for a lighter sentence.

            Limbaugh has it *damn* lucky. Unless, of course, federal prosecutors follow through with Ashcroft's recent demand that plea bargains be avoided at all cost and the highest possible penalty sought at all times.

            "Too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
            the good reverend


            • #21
              Originally posted by chegitz guevara
              Hypocrite for supporting the drug war while being a pill popper himself.
              Somehow, I would think that any intelligent person would be able to distinguish a crack head/cocaine head etc.. from a person that gets addicted to prescription pain killers as a result of medical treatment.
              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Berzerker
                I'm reserving judgement on Rush until I know if he rats out his suppliers. If he does that, he has absolutely NO honor. Given his hypocrisy over the past few years, I seriously doubt "honor" is in his vocabluary, but anything is possible.

                However, the hypocrisy coming from his apologists knows no bounds (no wonder they like Rush). Brent Bozell says it was admirable for Rush to come clean. WHAT? He didn't come clean, he admitted his addiction AFTER others made it public. Matt Drudge said, "Rush didn't say he didn't swallow", a reference to Clinton's, "I didn't inhale" - another "he came clean" rationalisation. Oh poor Rush deserves our sympathy, but not all you other people out there using drugs! No, you people need to be put in cages because you're immoral criminals!!!

                Ned -

                Cruelty? Ned, Limbaugh has advocated imprisoning drug users for years even while he was violating the drug laws. His hypocrisy gets exposed and the left is cruel? He wants people jailed for doing what he has been doing, but now people who agree with him have found a heart for Rush while wanting millions of people thrown in cages for doing the same thing? Tell the millions of people arrested for drugs about cruelty!

                Clem -

                Yup, read it and weep "dittoheads", your hero is a hypocrite.

                Verto -

                So what? He's a "criminal" just like all the other people who use illegal drugs. And maybe Rush and his supporters don't want to face this reality, but many people who develop addictions do so because they were using drugs to relieve pain too, either physical or emotional.

                Asleep -

                Rush's hypocrisy is not your garden variety hypocrisy, his hypocrisy is the kind Jesus condemned in the Bible. His is like the adulterer condemning another adulterer to death... You know the adage, "judge not lest you be judged".
                I can't believe that people cannot see the difference between a crackhead junkie who got addicted to crack because they most likely did it for recreation and someone who gets addicted to pain meds as the result of serious pain.

                Rush didn't go for the pills because he was having a bad day, he went for them when his doctor gave them to him because of the pain.

                then the addictive nature of all drugs took over.

                there is a slight difference.
                While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                • #23
                  "Too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."

                  I'll bet he said that while he was using drugs too. I remember when Rush said people who want to legalise drugs were "selfish". I wonder if he'll thank all those people for the little restraint they've been able to place on those "tough on crime" politicians. It's because of them he probably won't face any time in jail...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by vee4473

                    I can't believe that people cannot see the difference between a crackhead junkie who got addicted to crack because they most likely did it for recreation and someone who gets addicted to pain meds as the result of serious pain.

                    Rush didn't go for the pills because he was having a bad day, he went for them when his doctor gave them to him because of the pain.

                    then the addictive nature of all drugs took over.

                    there is a slight difference.
                    I don´t know Rush. I once visited his funny Newsmax page and that´s all. so I can´t afford any deeper statement about him.
                    but if clem´s statement is correct (He's had fun ripping people for medical marijuana use.) then there isn´t even a trace of a difference.
                    live and let die.
                    justice is might


                    • #25
                      Vee -
                      Somehow, I would think that any intelligent person would be able to distinguish a crack head/cocaine head etc.. from a person that gets addicted to prescription pain killers as a result of medical treatment.
                      Rush says people who violate the drug laws should be jailed, and he's been violating the drug laws. Now, what "distinction" should be made? If we are to look at Rush in a different light because of his motive, then why doesn't Rush look at the motives of all the other people who use drugs? He (and his supporters) doesn't care about motives except when he's on the hotseat. In a Playboy interview he did a few years back, he acknowledged using pot in the past. He was then asked if he believed he should have been punished for using pot, and he said, "no, I was a conservative who was experimenting". Now it's because of pain, fine, then don't advocate punishing other drug users who may be using drugs because they're in pain too. I don't care why he or anyone else uses drugs, freedom is about people making their own decisions. People who want to make "distinctions" are looking for loopholes to punish some people while members of their own clique get a pass...

                      I can't believe that people cannot see the difference between a crackhead junkie who got addicted to crack because they most likely did it for recreation and someone who gets addicted to pain meds as the result of serious pain.
                      How about someone using pot for medicinal reasons? Rush wants them punished too. I've suffered from back pain for 20 years and I've never used prescription painkillers, legal or illegal.
                      And so what if someone uses pot or cocaine for "recreational" reasons?

                      Rush didn't go for the pills because he was having a bad day, he went for them when his doctor gave them to him because of the pain.
                      Lot's of people turn to illegal drugs for emotional or physical pain only to become addicted.

                      then the addictive nature of all drugs took over.

                      there is a slight difference.
                      Yes, a slight difference to those with sacred cows to defend.


                      • #26
                        Berzerker -- that quote isn't even a year old. Considering that his admitted drug abuse goes back six years, well, the label of 'hypocrite' is inevitable and even deserved.
                        the good reverend


                        • #27
                          I was planning on posting something about Rush, but after the debate above...nah. Neithier side has an argument that can be lost. They are both right...what could I add?
                          "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                          • #28
                            But rev, it's "cruel" to point that out.

                            Yup, he is the kind of hypocrite Jesus was addressing in the New Testament. Naturally Rush calls himself a Christian too...


                            • #29
                              I wonder what will turn out next. Antonin Scalia wearing women clothes in private?
                              justice is might


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by oedo
                                I wonder what will turn out next. Antonin Scalia wearing women clothes in private?
                                Shh...That is next week's headline. Don't reveal them early!! We might have to read real news then
                                "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003

