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Yet Another Personality Quiz

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  • #46
    Took it 3 times and got the UN, Fiji, and UK


    • #47
      looks like a fairly simple dichotomous key is behind the test.

      all the results i haven't seen are here.
      You're Poland!
      People tend to think you're stupid and you were probably voted Least Likely to Succeed by your high school class. These people are mostly stupid themselves, and are just judging their opinion of you on your ability to defend yourself, which is admittedly pretty poor. But there's lots more to life than defending yourself from being picked on and pulled apart! There's labor unions to join and holiness to produce! You'll survive yet!

      You're the United Kingdom!
      You're a much weaker person than you used to be, but you still act like you did when everyone looked up to you. Despite this, you're probably a better person than you were when you had so much power over those around you. Though you do have a strange fascination with jewels and monarchs, which lets you play in castles, but also end up leading a sort of tabloid lifestyle. You really like the Beatles, even more than you like Oasis.

      You're Germany!
      You have a really ugly past, one that defies description. This gives you tremendous guilt, but you've coped with it and flourished into an awfully good person, considering. You've finally made peace with yourself, in so many ways, and you've been able to build on that for a bright and capable future. You've become so enlightened that you're probably a member of the Green Party, or at least listen to their demands.

      You're Iceland!
      Most people think you're a cold and forbidding person, but you're actually naturally warm and inviting. People just get scared off by what other people have led them to believe about you. You keep to yourself for the most part, and are pretty good at fending for yourself, especially if water's involved. More people should visit you and find out the truth.

      You're France!
      Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that you're better than everyone else. At least you're more loyal to the real language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else. You aren't worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other things that it usually doesn't matter. Some of your finest works were intended to be short-term projects.

      You're Liechtenstein!
      Most folks don't take you that seriously, but you really make a big deal out of being independent. You don't do a whole lot for other people, but you make the best of the resources available to you. You really like snow. And mountains. And being independent. And you're probably pretty small.

      You're Russia!
      You don't expect much out of life and, in return, life doesn't give you much. You probably drink too much, you go back and forth about religion, about war and peace, about just about everything. This isn't your fault, though, you're not indecisive so much as oppressed. Don't worry, though, it could always be worse than it is. You could be stuck on Mir.

      You're Japan!
      You tried to beat everyone around you physically, and when that didn't work, you turned to mental arts. Not only is this more acceptable to those people, but you're really good at mental arts. Somehow you're able to fit a great deal of industry into small spaces, and this has generated a lot of income for you. Now if you could just stop eating whale meat, you'd be making real progress.

      You're Singapore!
      You're small but well-built and people are a little afraid of you. You might even walk with a cane that people find somewhat menacing, rather than seeing it as an aid to your mobility. You like an urban lifestyle, with little time for nature or the more rural pleasures of life. This fast-paced lifestyle suits you, and you wish everyone around you would just shape up.

      You're Turkey!
      You have a good deal of history behind you, both good and bad, but through it all, you've become a leader among your friends. You have an uncanny ability to make friends with people who hate each other, though sometimes you just hate them instead. Surprisingly fickle, you keep a good balance in your life between religion and humanism, but most people think you're fanatical anyway. You're Istanbul, you're Constantinople.

      You're Thailand!
      Calmer and more staunchly independent than almost all those around you, you have a long history of rising above adversity. Recent adversity has led to questions about your sexual promiscuity and the threat of disease, but you still manage to attract a number of tourists and admirers. And despite any setbacks, you can really cook a good meal whenever it's called for. Good enough to make people cry.

      You're Costa Rica!
      You're about as peaceful as anyone on the planet, a real dyed-in-the-wool pacifist. And why not? No one really poses much of a threat to you and everything seems to work out, no matter how much violence and insanity rages all around you. So you relax and appreciate nature and culture while the rest of the world carries on their petty disagreements. If only everyone could follow your example...

      You're Italy!
      You pretty much feel like you are the most long-standing bastion of civilized humanity on the face of the earth. While this is probably not true, you do have a noted history of living the good life and spreading culture to those around you. More recently, however, things have started to slide and you're having a hard time staying together and not getting beaten up. People still like to ask you how it was to be the center of high culture, but your days at the top are long past you. Avoid volcanoes, flooding, and unstable buildings wherever possible.

      You're Greece!
      Wise, old, and athletic, you used to be a big star, but now you've faded a bit into relative obscurity. While no one would go so far as to call you a ruin, you're definitely past your prime. You really would rather spend the day on a small island or a small boat than doing just about anything else. Though watching the games, whatever sorts of games they may be, is also appealing. Whatever you are, you're Greek to me.

      You're Vatican City!
      You're pretty sure that you're infallible in all that you do or say, and it's hard to say whether you're right. You have a lot of followers, most of whom will do whatever you say without question, or line up to see you ride around in your spiffy car. Religious and reserved, you have some wisdom, but also a bit much contempt for everyone around you. You're also fabulously wealthy, no matter what you say to the contrary.

      You're Australia!
      You're easy-going, relaxed, and yet somewhat tough and hardy all at the same time. You can appreciate culture, scuba diving, and even safaris. This makes you pretty interesting and intriguing to others, though also really unpredictable and even wild. Your knowledge of nature is unthinkable to most of those around you, even though your respect for it is sometimes less than perfect. People really like your accent.

      You're Taiwan!
      Despite enormous setbacks, including the fact that most people refuse to recognize who you are or even that you exist at all, you've built yourself into quite a productive person. You've got a little trouble maintaining a sense of personal order, but through the mess, you're still very industrious and have a small but pivotal impact on almost everyone you know, and even people you don't. You make a whole lot of stuff.

      You're Malta!
      With a strange attraction to crosses and falcons, you are one of the most mysterious and unknown people in your group of friends, your community, or pretty much any category you want to mention. You keep to yourself, but see yourself as a knight in shining armor, ready to rescue people if they weren't so far away. Still, people are fascinated by you if they've heard of you, which most of them haven't.

      You're Iraq!
      An outcast from all you meet, you have very few friends who haven't later backstabbed you in some way or another. And you've made your share of mistakes... a little torture, a little coercion, a little stealing, it was all part of a day's work. It's hard to say if it deserves the kind of treatment you're getting now, though. When people look for someone to point to with a worse life than they have, they think of you first.

      You're China!
      Big and powerful, you have a long history behind you with more good and bad than you care to remember, or are really capable of remembering. Lately, in older age, you've gotten sort of crochety and even mean-spirited. There is still a lot that's beautiful about you, but most of the focus people have when they think about you is how hard it is to work with you. There's hope that you might start opening up to people, but lots of people have bumper stickers about how much you should change.

      You're India!
      A great thinker and leader, you have a great deal of power despite being really poor. You like movies, cows, and you probably are a vegetarian and may even be a pacifist. You've probably been moving away from pacifism lately, though, as you get more and more defensive that everyone around you is trying to hurt you. How about a nice game of chess?

      You're Pakistan!
      You used to ask people what they thought about things, but quite recently you've decided to just do stuff without asking nicely. You really want to go to the mountains, but for some reason, people won't let you, mostly because they won't let acquire any nice sweaters. In the meantime, you're avoiding alcohol and pork and trying to balance eating right with not falling behind in your competition with your next-door neighbor.

      You're Nigeria!
      You don't really like it when people say mean things about you, or even things that could become vaguely mean if misinterpreted, or really anything whatsoever that isn't really complimentary. People who aren't complimentary make you very angry indeed. But when you're not dealing with them, you're surprisingly good at sports, especially soccer, and are trying to improve your reputation with the society around you. You really just have to learn how to take a little criticism.

      You're Zimbabwe!
      Everything was going really well for you for a long time, but lately you haven't quite been acting yourself. One day things were looking up and now you've got all this anger, and you're taking it out on people you've decided must be at fault. Taking their property seems to be the best way of getting back at them, but this is making all your former friends dislike you and talk about ending your friendships. Things could really go either way right now, but you're making enemies fast.

      You're Palestine!
      There's a lot of debate among those who know you about whether you deserve anything at all... a place to live, rights, shelter, a job, or anything. That fact has really made you upset over the years, and this has led you to resort to just about any means you can to get the word out that you exist. Hard to say whether all that anger is going to work out, but in the meantime, you've gotten peoples' attention. The cycle of abuse in your life looks ugly and doesn't show much signs of stopping... many people now even more firmly believe that you don't deserve anything because of what you've done.

      You're Cyprus!
      Your parents probably had different ethnic backgrounds and now they're almost certainly divorced, or at least they argue all the time. You mostly just wish they'd leave you alone instead of using you as a pawn in their tortured conflict with each other. Instead, you've become the battleground for a fight that doesn't really feel like it's yours. You'd rather just go fishing. But that doesn't look likely in the immediate future. Just keep cooking with olive oil and you'll live longer, at least.

      You're Lebanon!
      Your room's a mess. Your house is a mess. Heck, your life is a mess. It all used to be really beautiful, and someone even compared you to Paris once, but that's all been replaced with heartache and struggle. You're small, have been influenced by outsiders for too long, and don't know what to think about religion. At least you smell rather pleasant!

      You're Bosnia-Herzegovina!
      You've just been through a big tragedy. You weren't sure you were going to make it at all. Now that you have, there's a lot to pick back up in your life, and not enough people are helping you. You just wanted a little more freedom, a chance to be away from those who thought poorly of you. Now it's time to build up some confidence, and it looks like you have a good chance at that. But you'll need a lot of therapy.

      You're Bangladesh!
      Everyone else keeps eating your food, and as a result it seems like you're starving all the time. Your life is just flooded with problems, and you're pretty sure that everything would be easier if half the people you knew just went away. Unfortunately, they're hungry too, so they might go away in a way you don't want. George Harrison's music becoming wildly popular may be your only hope, but even he's gone away now.

      You're Ethiopia!
      You were just getting back to a normal cycle of eating when a group of people came up to you and said that you were too different than they were, so you could no longer visit the beach. You'll probably miss the beach, and you're still kind of hungry, but ironically you cook for lots of rich people in other places who think your food is excellent, but won't let you eat it yourself. You are revered in the Caribbean, though, which counts for something.

      You're Malaysia!
      You're really lanky and you enjoy spreading out over a lot of different places, but you've really got your act together these days. It's still hard for you to get respect, so you keep making greater and greater things so people will finally recognize that you've arrived. If you keep persevering, people will hopefully recognize that you have more than a nice spice cabinet to show for yourself.

      You're Uzbekistan!
      Back in the day, it seemed like everyone ran their commercial interests near you, but now they've become a little more illicit. At this point, you no longer have hordes of people stampeding you and you no longer are being oppressed by people with more power. All this freedom is leaving you a little isolated, but with the kind of trade you're doing, you'll be okay for a while financially.

      You're East Timor!
      You're small and lonely and have finally gotten free of a very bad situation. It seems like everyone was willing to rescue you, though the wait was excrutiating for everyone to wake up and set you free. Now you're still lonely, but happier in the loneliness since you never really liked people to begin with. And people respect you more than you really think they should, using you as an example for what they hope to accomplish.

      You're the Falkland Islands!
      You're pretty insignificant in the big picture, but when you have influence, it affects the most important people in your world. Sadly, you don't have much of a will or voice of your own, and it's hard to develop it when your big aspirations are to live on a farm. Your emotional life is stormy and windswept, but you have a few close friends that follow you like, well, sheep.

      You're Greenland!
      While many people think you're a warmish person, you're actually really cold and forbidding. In fact, you're downright frigid, and you demand that people be tough if they're going to hang out with you. Despite this rocky personality, you still yearn for more independence than you have, and respect is hard to get even though you have a hard time just surviving day to day. Of all the pastries in the world, you could live without any more danishes.

      You're Afghanistan!
      In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!" Sad but true. Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right. You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired. When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing? But you don't really even know what you want anymore.

      You're Vietnam!
      After years of muddling through on your own, you've finally repaired yourself to a point of respectability. You would have been much better off had people you didn't like not kept insisting on spending so much time with you. But those times are fading quickly and these days you're pretty sure you won't get burned. Star power!

      You're Cuba!
      How bad can you really be? So many people have said so many bad things about you, but you know they can't all be true. Not even most of them. You went a little crazy for a while, but now you're just getting older and tired of all the nasty stuff people think about you. You could use a little more money and you really wish people wouldn't keep leaving you for richer people, but other than that, things aren't so bad. You really like used military clothing.

      You're Swaziland!
      Small but sturdy, you've maintained your identity in a world where no one takes you seriously. You refuse to be absorbed into any larger social group or category, no matter how influential they seem to be. This gives you an individual flair that captivates the very few who know you. Machine guns make you really nervous.

      You're Libya!
      It seems that these days, you just say things to get attention. Shock value is the really important thing for you now. You used to have a cause, and this made you seem like a threat to the established order, but now you just want to say wacky stuff once in a while. Air travel doesn't really mesh with your lifestyle, and you'd probably scare the security guards somehow anyway.

      You're Cambodia!
      Life's been really rough, but it's slowly improving. You know way too much about the skeletal structure of humans, mostly from being forced to study it. This has given you a fear of many things, most especially the color red. The future has to be more promising though, and your greatest adversary can now never come back to hurt you any more.

