Well Laides and gentlemen, due to pressing time issues, your beloved entertainer will have to bow out for the day, but before I go, let me thank to very important people without whom this show would have been impossible:
Caligastia an his amazing one trick pony, "Race"! Give them a big hand everyone!
And the entertainer formally known as GP (TCO), the navy's own rather pathetic attempt to create a copy of Triumph the insult comic dog. A really big hand everyone! Yes, yes!
You have been a wonderfull audience tonight! GOOD NIGHT!
Caligastia an his amazing one trick pony, "Race"! Give them a big hand everyone!
And the entertainer formally known as GP (TCO), the navy's own rather pathetic attempt to create a copy of Triumph the insult comic dog. A really big hand everyone! Yes, yes!
You have been a wonderfull audience tonight! GOOD NIGHT!
