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27 people killed, 50 wounded by peace loving innocent oppresed individual

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  • Originally posted by Ned

    18, 27, 6 million? How many Jews have to die before a German condemns those responsible?
    SOME Germans, notably the leadership of the Christian Social Union, have not only denounced the attacks, but have been supporting of Israel, and have denounced their own governments bias against Israel. The German govt, while it has not gone so far, has certainly gone further than the French govt, advocating that the EU ban the "political wing" of Hamas.

    As for individuals posters here, they must speak for themselves.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
      Abraham came from Ur. Send the Jews back to Iraq. And the Arabs too, since they are also decended from him.

      And, since they are the decendents of the Martu, who invaded Sumer after the Elamites cast down the Sumerian Empire, we should really consider sending the Jews and Arabs to Kurdistan.

      Meanwhile, let's send the Turks and Kurds back to Central Asia.
      1. Abraham from Ur - my, my guevera, you ARE a fundamentalist, arent you. In fact the name Abraham was found in excavations at Ugarit, in Syria, and the Hebrew language is close to Canaanite as far as we know it, and both are close to Ugaritic. Archaeologists have shown NO influx of Mesopotamian culture associated with the time of Abraham, or the time of the Jewish conquest of Canaan, nor have they found any influx of Egyptian culture. Such Mesopotamian culture as their is associated with longstanding Mesopotamian influence and conquest, and in the case of the Jews with exile. Epgytian influence is largely associated with the Canaanite cities. It seems much more likely that the ancient Israelites actually WERE canaanites, but with a different social structure and relgion, and that the "conquest" was more of a social revolution. Sorry to challenge your faith.

      2. Martu ? where'd you get that? I have seen claims that Jews are genetically close to Kurds - but also that they are genetically close to Palestinians.

      3. Turks are from central asia of course (though most inhabitants of Turkey are undoubtedly "turkized" locals. Kurds though? Linguistically they are Persians. If they came from outside, it would be from Ukrainian steppes, along with other Indo-European speakers. (though again probably most are assimilated locals)
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
        Abraham came from Ur. Send the Jews back to Iraq. And the Arabs too, since they are also decended from him.

        And, since they are the decendents of the Martu, who invaded Sumer after the Elamites cast down the Sumerian Empire, we should really consider sending the Jews and Arabs to Kurdistan.

        Meanwhile, let's send the Turks and Kurds back to Central Asia.
        I still find that that the Mesapotamian path was only half the Israelite story. The other half is Canaanite.


        • Yikes! Your thoughts are scary.

          Should I bother to read further into the thread, am I going to find more of these gems?

          How are my thoughts scary?
          This is history. Read a book.


          • Originally posted by lord of the mark

            SOME Germans, notably the leadership of the Christian Social Union, have not only denounced the attacks, but have been supporting of Israel, and have denounced their own governments bias against Israel. The German govt, while it has not gone so far, has certainly gone further than the French govt, advocating that the EU ban the "political wing" of Hamas.

            As for individuals posters here, they must speak for themselves.
            This information seems to confirm a worldwide trend on support for or opposition to Israel. The right supports Israel. The left opposes Isreal. This seems to be independent of country.

            That seems to place Joe Lieberman on the right, which many fellow Democrats would strongly agree he is.


            • Good news about Arafat being ill. Perhaps he will get to his final resting place soon. What do Moslem's believe in? Heaven and Hell? Do they have any last rites as they do in Catholicism? I am sure he would like to repent and get to the right place. However, if one actually believes Moslem propaganda, killing the infidel guarantees your place in paradise with 70 virgins.

