Originally posted by Agathon
Really, so if I starve someone to death, it is starvation that kills them and not me.
What about negligence?
You really don't want to go down this road.
Really, so if I starve someone to death, it is starvation that kills them and not me.
What about negligence?
You really don't want to go down this road.

If I choose not to put food in my mouth I starve and have no one to blame but myself. If I choose not to go to the cupboard and get that food I starve and have no one to blame but myself. If i choose not to go shopping for groceries I starve and have no one to blame but myself. If I choose not to get a job to afford groceries I starve and have no one to blame but myself.
Though of course the response is groceries should be given to everyone by a guy in a kakki jumpsuit with a handlebar mustasche. Kinda like an evil Santa Claus. And of course I can't be blamed for not bringing the food to my mouth, obviously some oppressive capitalist is (through some vague and indirect means) preventing me from doing so, so evil Santa Claus must create a feeder corps. Effective to stop extremely lazy people from starving and a jobs program all rolled into one! Brilliant!
Point? Oh hell, don't bother me about a point, I'm wandering down Commie road at 1:30 in the morning when I'm too groggy to make any decent arguments besides witty, directionless rants. I was warned not to walk down this road, but I underestimated my sleepiness and ignored the warning.
So I'll quit while I'm ahead...or behind...or totally sleepy and confused. Let me end with these final words of groggy wisdom... Die Commie Scum!
Though of course I don't want anyone to die, just uh.. take a nap or something. Ah.. a nap. I'm going to sleep now. Night all.