Zylka - Edan's hebrew is.... weak.
Don' trust him
current phrases:
ma nish-ma? (what's up?) (lit: what is sounding?)
eikh holekh? (how's it goin'?) (lit: how's it goin'?)
ma shlomech? (how are you doing? [fem]) (lit: what is your wellbeing?)
ma ha-matzav? (wazzup?) (lit: how is the situation?)
eich at margisha? (how are you feeling? [fem]) (lit: how are you feeling?)
eich haya ha-yom shelach? (how's your day been?) (lit: how has-been the-day yours? [hebrew grammar])
read as it's written it would mean roughly: "I our Zion want". Zion is another name for Jerusalem (which is located on mount. Zion)
What he probably wanted to say was, "I want us to **** / I want to **** you".
In which case it is said "Ziun". And the grammar is all wrong. It would sound: "I want our ****!" which doesn't make any sense unless you add the word "back" which makes it even more ridiculous.
Don' trust him

current phrases:
ma nish-ma? (what's up?) (lit: what is sounding?)
eikh holekh? (how's it goin'?) (lit: how's it goin'?)
ma shlomech? (how are you doing? [fem]) (lit: what is your wellbeing?)
ma ha-matzav? (wazzup?) (lit: how is the situation?)
eich at margisha? (how are you feeling? [fem]) (lit: how are you feeling?)
eich haya ha-yom shelach? (how's your day been?) (lit: how has-been the-day yours? [hebrew grammar])
Ani roste zion shelanu
read as it's written it would mean roughly: "I our Zion want". Zion is another name for Jerusalem (which is located on mount. Zion)
What he probably wanted to say was, "I want us to **** / I want to **** you".
In which case it is said "Ziun". And the grammar is all wrong. It would sound: "I want our ****!" which doesn't make any sense unless you add the word "back" which makes it even more ridiculous.
