5 weekends ago: My wives friend got married. And if you know what that entales it aint just showing up with a tie.
4 Weeks ago: My borther-in-law got married in LA. That was fun, but it cost a lot of money and took a lot of time from work, and then I had to deal with family, which for me is not that easy.
3 Weeks ago: My wife decides that I should spend more times with my friends and tells my friends that I will be going to this lumberjack competition at Shaver Lake (about 3-4 hours away). The competition didn't end unti 8pm Sunday night, and I had to get back for work.
2 Weeks ago: My wife decides she wants to go see the musical "Chicago" and she wants me to go with her and some of her friends. It cost a lot of money and of course got me pretty sloshed.
1 Week ago: My wife decides to have a BBQ for her coworkers. Guess what that means. I get to set-up, plan, cook, clean up, etc... While she entertains.
Wednesday: Her brother says he wants us to come to Fresno to watch the video of his wedding. He says he wants to have at my parents house on top of it. (Both of our families are from the area.) My dad is having a colonoscopy to day so I tell her that she can't have it at my folks and they probably aren't going to go see the wedding video, and as I went to the real wedding I won't be going this weekend. I also need to catch up on some sleep, work, house work, and then football starts on top of it all.
Of course she gets all mad, saying I never visit her family even though I did less than a month ago at her brothers wedding. Anyway, I ain't going... I'm going to rest, and get some work done (which is easier for me on the weekends when the plant is not in production and I can actually get on the machines).
So, how much trouble am I really in?