Originally posted by Jack_www
I might be support such a thing if there was a way to make sure a terorist could not get one. Maybe have backround checks for those that cant prove their hear legaly. Only problem is that drives license is used as the main form of ID and weather a person is here legaly, and its very hard to almost impossible to change that fact.
I might be support such a thing if there was a way to make sure a terorist could not get one. Maybe have backround checks for those that cant prove their hear legaly. Only problem is that drives license is used as the main form of ID and weather a person is here legaly, and its very hard to almost impossible to change that fact.
We got a hell of an evidence trail because these guys had driver's licenses, then got bank accounts and debit cards and credit cards for a few of the leaders. Would have been nice to put that to use beforehand, but still, better than a bunch of anonymous bodies with no paper trail behind them.