As I mentioned, they are still in my wifes camera waiting to be developed.
No announcement yet.
Atlanta Poly Meet (Pictures upcoming)
That must have been hell for John; not being able to take a picture of Sophie eating something in such a cute, adorable way."Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.
Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.
We met at the Varsity ~5:00pm, the Mr and Mrs JohnT's arriving first. Looked around for any white college guys (not too hard to spot in the ethnic atmosphere of the Varsity). I didn't see anybody matching that description so we waited for a few. Didn't wait long until Victor showed up, then Q, then Straw and finally Imran. Imran was a bit late as he took the highway () south to the exit and we had begun to order by the time he showed up.
Victor - Very pleasant and friendly, in many ways not at all like he posts on the board - imho, more aggressive on Apolyton, more agreeable in real life. Still, a lot more intense than
Q Cubed - who was very laid back and chilled once the initial akwardness (did I spell that right?) wore off. My wife even commented on his friendliness later on (no telling on who she thought was the best looking).
Straybow - Not a college student, probably about my age (36). A little quiet, though I admit that he was seated furthest from me than any of the others, with my wife and child between me and him... and toddlers are hell with the noise.Oh - Stray has a beard, which for some reason struck me. Go figure.
Imran - Just like he sounds on the threads. Confident, willing to talk issues, able to take a joke and dish them out.
It wasn't much of a debate as to whether the lack of the +1 was dumb or not, it is. The question is why the policy and I don't recall we reached a consensus on that - but I think it's so that spam rates will increase on the other forums on Apolyton. Why should the OT be the only active forum?
We were there until ~7:00, whereupon we and Stray had to leave cause of other obligations.
The food agreed with me just fine, Imran - all that curry your mom forced upon you has obviously weakened your digestive system.
And the idea of looking for "vegetarian" in the Varsity just cracks me up. Talk about looking up the wrong alley!
The convention was a major disappointment for me, a little bit so for Laura. I did not know it at the time, but when we met I had spent all the time I was going to spend at Dragoncon, with the exception of an hour on Sunday.
When I used to go to Dragoncon in the 80's, one of the things I looked forward to was buying out of print books - Jack Williamson, Clement, Heinlein, etc, books that were unavailable at the two used book stores in my township. There was a strong literary presence there, which was fine by me because I prefer my science fiction written, not filmed. Hell, the last one I went to (89? 91? It's been a while), the headliner was Harlan Ellison, with David Brin as a "featured guest." Oh, Star Wars/Trek were well represented as were comics, D&D, etc. But it was the books and the authors that ruled the day, and that was fine by me.
No more. Now it's all audio-visual stuff, TV shows and rock bands and Wicca/Witch (both sides of that debate were represented) and just a bunch of SHlT that has little to do with science fiction, and nothing to do with the written word. Even the old warhorses, Star Wars and Star Trek were overwhelmed by the Buffyites, the Gothers, the X-Philes... hell, even Pirates of the Caribbean had a good showing. Anne McCaffrey was there at least, but not being a Pern fan (as far as I'm concerned it's too close to being fantasy for my comfort) I didn't bother to attend any of her stuff. But she was the only one*.
But not books. The only books you could find to buy there were first editions or signed by the author. There was this one vendor who had 1 miserable little 3 foot high shelf devoted to old paperbacks... but by that time I was too depressed to make even a token defiance to the travesty this thing had become.
And the really pissy thing is that this formula is successful. If there weren't 15,000 attendees, I'll... well, I'll do nothing. DragonCon was far larger and more crowded than any of the ones of my youth, very substantially so and there's no incentive for them to change.
*Worldcon (in Toronto) was also this weekend, and had Larry Niven, Spider Robinson, Robert Bloch, China Mieville, Robert Silverberg, Hal Clement, Robert J. Sawyer (dammit! I like him a lot!), Connie Willis, Robert Charles Wilson, Jack Chalker, Fred Pohl, dammit, that's where all my authors went.
Yeah, but you had a burger... I had chili dogs. On second thought a BBQ burger would have gone down better (and been better on the wallet as well
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)