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Nigerian woman appeals stoning sentence

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  • #31
    Spiffor: The Bible has certainly been misued, but the Bible was never as integral to the Christian faith as the Koran was. The NT was not written until much after Jesus was crucified, and nowhere in the Bible can you find that Bible is the sole inerrant source of God's word.

    The Quran, however, has the explicit claim of being of the sole inerrant word of God. Yes, it is possible for their to be secularists in the Islamic world, as we have seen with Kemalism in Turkey. But it makes it alot harder for any would be moderates this way.
    "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

    "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


    • #32

      Don't be dissing Bill Maher man!

      You need to hear his latest HBO special. He has a very realistic view of the muslim society. He compares their religious fanatics to christian one's. It doesn't take a genious to figure out which one's are more harmful.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

        Let's get a group together and offer to fund a paternity testing lab! I wonder what they would say to that?
        Good Idea,
        there is no reason why modern technology shouldn´t have influence into determining if someone is guilty before the Sharia

        what would be the punishment for him if he is found guilty?
        After all Men and Women are punished very differently in the muslim world.

        Originally posted by Spiffor
        Sure, but has it always been the case ? Was it the case when Galileo was punished because his theory went against some obscure verse ?
        I don´t know if it is true,
        but after all I heard the Catholics in the Vatikan claim, that Galilei wasn´t simply punished, because he propagated a heliocentric Worldview, but because he took this heliocentric Model of the Cosmos to be a fact, instead of treating it like a Hypothesis.
        The Clerics just weren´t convinced by Galileis Proofs of his Heliocentric Cosmos.
        So, if he just had taken it as a hypothesis, he hadn´t been punishd.

        Of course there might be a lot of Revisionism from the side of the catholic church involved, but they seem to think tat it has been this way.
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
        Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


        • #34
          Justice prevails!

          Woman sentenced to stoning freed
          From Jeff Koinange
          Thursday, September 25, 2003 Posted: 7:19 AM EDT (1119 GMT)

          KATSINA, Nigeria (CNN) -- An appeals court has freed a Nigerian mother sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.

          The Shariah Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday that Amina Lawal's conviction was invalid because she was already pregnant when harsh Islamic Shariah law was implemented in her home province.

          The 31-year-old, who was in court with her baby, Wassila, has been appealing the death sentence for two years.

          "It is the view of this court that the judgment of the Upper Shariah Court, Funtua, was very wrong and the appeal of Amina Lawal is hereby discharged and acquitted," judge Ibrahim Maiangwa said.

          Shariah law, based on the teachings in the Quran, Islam's holy book, is practiced in 12 of Nigeria's 36 states.

          Lawal's case had become the focus of human rights groups around the world who were outraged at the sentence that Lawal should be buried up to her neck and then have stones thrown at her head until she was dead.

          Had the court not overturned the verdict, Lawal would still have had two appeals left, one to a Nigerian federal court and a final appeal to Nigeria's Supreme Court. Neither of those courts is governed by Shariah law.

          Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo had said if Lawal's case reached the Supreme Court, he would make sure it was overturned.

          Lawal was convicted and sentenced in March 2002 after giving birth to a baby girl more than nine months after divorcing. Under the strict Shariah law, pregnancy outside marriage constitutes sufficient evidence for a woman to be convicted of adultery.

          A court stayed her execution for two years to allow her to care for her baby.

          "This is all I have to live for right now," Lawal said before the hearing. "My child means everything to me."

          Lawal lives with her father, his two wives and their numerous children in the tiny village of Kurami, deep in Nigeria's Islamic north. The village is so small that it does not appear on a map.

          She insists she did nothing wrong and that the man who fathered her child made a promise to marry her. He did not, leaving her pregnant and with no support.

          The man said he was not the father, and three male witnesses testified he did not have a sexual relationship with Lawal. The witnesses constituted adequate corroboration of his story under Shariah law, and he was freed.

          Lawal is the second woman to be sentenced to death after bearing a child out of marriage since 2000, when more than a dozen states in the predominantly Islamic northern Nigeria adopted strict Islamic Shariah law.

          In March 2002, an appeals court reversed a similar sentence on Safiya Hussaini Tungar-Tudu after worldwide pleas for clemency and a warning from Obasanjo that Nigeria faced international isolation over the case.

          The adoption of Shariah, which includes amputation as a possible punishment for convicted thieves, has stoked violence between Muslims and Christians in Africa's most populous state. More than 3,000 people have been killed.
          "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


          • #35

