Over the last 5 years or so, the US government has been putting hundreds of millions of dollars into aging research and longevity--i.e., making us all live longer. Some of you may have heard about the fruit flies that have been made to live 3x normal. Well, a similar thing has now been accomplished at the cellular level on humans.
Nobody has put much money into this area before and it looks promising that we might pick some low hanging scientific fruit. A couple of years ago, I heard about other methods that were thought to be more promising to extend life 20-40 years (it was sort of hush-hush back then), but maybe they didn't pan out. Anyway, even if these kinds of drugs were to make us live a couple of years longer healthily, then it would be one of the most important medical advances in the last couple of hundred years.
Of course, there are lots of societal problems associated with any extension of life that are fun to ponder. Like 60 year old French pensioners being told they have to get off their duffs and work 10 or 20 years more.
Or that Eurocoms will have to pay billions of dollars to American companies for these drugs until the patents come off. 
So is anybody here willing to be in a trial to test one of these drugs, if you were to get a life-long supply for free?
Nobody has put much money into this area before and it looks promising that we might pick some low hanging scientific fruit. A couple of years ago, I heard about other methods that were thought to be more promising to extend life 20-40 years (it was sort of hush-hush back then), but maybe they didn't pan out. Anyway, even if these kinds of drugs were to make us live a couple of years longer healthily, then it would be one of the most important medical advances in the last couple of hundred years.
Of course, there are lots of societal problems associated with any extension of life that are fun to ponder. Like 60 year old French pensioners being told they have to get off their duffs and work 10 or 20 years more.

So is anybody here willing to be in a trial to test one of these drugs, if you were to get a life-long supply for free?