Ok, I just watched Jackass The Movie once again (I love partyboy in Tokyo!, and the car in the butt!).
Knoxville was testing once again some self defense equipment, this time taking a shot form 12 gauge shotgun loaded with non, or to be more correct, less lethal ammunition. I believe it was a small bag of something, maybe little rubber balls? Anyway, it was pretty sick
Is this kind of business big in the US? I figure it could be... I'm just looking for new venues for my Punisher Weapon Systems, and I have few less lethal things in my mind, I believe they are not used in riot control but they'd be good. So my question was and is, is this kind of business big in the US? Here it is almost non existent, all cops really use are batons (rare!) and water gun, working almost like shotgun, shooting 1 liter of water HARD, like water ammunition. You blast it few meters from the target, and it knocks you on your butt. It's quite safe to use, but it creates a nice impact. And collateral damage is not so big, because it's water so it can't hold it's form except few meters. And ammunition is cheap. And it hurts like hell. So I love it.
Knoxville was testing once again some self defense equipment, this time taking a shot form 12 gauge shotgun loaded with non, or to be more correct, less lethal ammunition. I believe it was a small bag of something, maybe little rubber balls? Anyway, it was pretty sick

Is this kind of business big in the US? I figure it could be... I'm just looking for new venues for my Punisher Weapon Systems, and I have few less lethal things in my mind, I believe they are not used in riot control but they'd be good. So my question was and is, is this kind of business big in the US? Here it is almost non existent, all cops really use are batons (rare!) and water gun, working almost like shotgun, shooting 1 liter of water HARD, like water ammunition. You blast it few meters from the target, and it knocks you on your butt. It's quite safe to use, but it creates a nice impact. And collateral damage is not so big, because it's water so it can't hold it's form except few meters. And ammunition is cheap. And it hurts like hell. So I love it.